    what is required on board a 14" fishing boat?

    What safety equipment is required on board a 14" fishing boat?

    0  Views: 447 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    Since it's a recreational activity, most boating is done in calm protected waters and during good weather. Even so, conditions can change rapidly, and a small vessel can get into life-threatening difficulties. It's important to keep an inventory of safety gear on board every boat, which is prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard as well as state boating law administrators in the U.S. Depending on the size of the boat and how it is powered, required equipment may include:
    personal flotation devices (PFDs or life jackets) for everyone on board
    a throwable flotation device (in the U.S., a Type IV PFD)
    navigation lights suitable for the type of boat operation
    visual distress signals (VSDs) which are effective both day and night
    sound-making devices including horns and bells
    fire extinguisher(s)
    a copy of the Inland Rules of the Road
    Other items might seem obvious but are not actually required by law. They include a flashlight, first aid kit, paddles, whistles, anchor and rope, engine spare parts, bilge pumps, a VHF radio or mobile phone, etc.
    In addition to these safety items listed above, the Code of Federal Regulations lists some additional required items that may not fall into the common definition of "safety" items:
    backfire arresters on gasoline-powered vessels
    ventilation systems on gasoline-powered vessels
    plaques which list the penalties associated with pollution due to oil discharge, or dumping trash overboard.
    a marine sanitation system (MSD) which prevents water pollution from sewage
    State laws may add to this list of requirements. Most of the differences fall into a few categories:
    laws requiring life jackets to be worn in specific activities or by children
    upgraded life jackets for specific activities or by children
    restrictions on the types of MSDs that are allowed within state borders

    Commercial fisherman wearing a PFD with pockets among other safety equipment. Likely pocket contents: A whistle (on the lanyard, left side), dye packet, shark repellent, strobe light and pen knife. A mini-flare is clipped to the 'vest' on the user's left lapel.

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