    If someone sends you a ranting letter, full of misconceptions, do you anwser it or ignore it?

    This is a person commonly referred to as the Gimme Girl; who is currently upset because she hasn't been 'given enough lately.  She will probably never change.  Just wondering if anyone thinks her rants are worth addressing?

    +3  Views: 949 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Better one crazy one out there than two. Just take care of number one or number 2 if you believe in God.

    10 Answers

    No they are not.  Don't pick up the rope.  Ignore.

    I am speaking from experience.

    just ignor but put the letter on file you never know if this dose pusue you will need this as evidence

    Mental revenge is the best, rant right back but keep it to yourself...............

    File letter away....ignore.  The person will forever be wondering.  Did the letter arrive?  Did the letter get read?  What did the person think?  Why didn't I get a response?  Will they ever contact me?  Should I write another one?   Etc.  (That will drive the letter writer crazy.)   :)

    Igonore it. Don't give them the pleasure of replying. If you ignore it, it will worry them all the more.

    Probably best to let it be.

    I use to like a good confrontation but anymore just leave me alone.....

    Ignore it and forget it if you want peace in your life.

    A few weeks ago, I got a ranting text message from someone. It's not the first time, but it will be the last. I have nothing to say to this person anymore. I've ignored the text; I've ignored the phone call, and I'll continue to ignore this person, even though she is my only sister. Enough is enough.  

    ed shank

    I can relate, I have one in the family as well.

    Many, many people have "one" in their family. I sometimes think that there is a lot more mental illness around, than what we believe?

    Sorry to hear that, ed shank. MY relative is the one nearly everybody thinks is just the nicest person alive. Phooey. I don't let other people put her down, and I don't rat out her true disposition, but gee whiz....

    Sorry it's your sister. Mine is related by marriage. Sounds like similar sociopathic behaviors...

    "Miss Priss Syndrome" :D

    I used to get those all the time from my sister. I call blocked her for six months once. At the end of her life I was the only person accepting her phone calls. Now I would take another ranting phone call instead of nothing at all. As nutty as my sister could be, I still loved her unconditionally. I miss that crazy coconut.

    It would be heartbreaking to lose my sister, because I do care about her very much. I worry about her; she has health problems. Right now, though, my mental and emotional health comes before hers, and it's best for me to keep my distance.

    File 13 it.


    would file 13 be located in area 51????

    I have several located in different areas.

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