5 Answers
www.irs.gov.com.That should do it. Let me know if it does'nt.Have a Great Day!!!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
well first of all its kinda hard to tell when ur getting anything from the I.R.S,, but due to the tremendously high numbers of fraudulent taxes there is a slowdown period with receiving your return. i understand that it is NOT OUR FAULTS with the illegaliness MESS thats going on with the money but its sad when ppl like us (THE HARD WORKING TAX PAYERS) have to wait and got BILL$$ to pay!!! I hope that this Info somewhat Helps U understand at aleast a little..,,, U can also call 1~800~829~1040 and speak to a tax representative/CUSTMER SERVCE about maybe the possible release dates. Release dates are the next dates that they will be releasing the checks. Have a great DAY!!!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |