    how long does it take for crack cocaine to get out of your urine?

    0  Views: 376 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Have you also thought about how long it will take to get it out of your brain cells, if you have any left?  Smarten up before it's too late!

    Being more specific; the onset of snorted cocaine occurs within 5 minutes, effects peak around 20-25 minutes after administration and has a half-life of 60-90 minutes; intravenously injected or smoked (crack or freebase) cocaine has an onset within 10 seconds, peaking around 3 minutes after administration and has a half life of 40-60 minutes.

    But no matter the route of administration the cocaine is mostly metabolized to benzoylecgonine which lasts a lot longer in the body (half-life is 7-9 hours and with frequent use of cocaine it accumulates in the body) and can be detected in urine for a minimum of 72 hours.  ITS SOUNDS to me you have a problem.... get help quick as crack will kill you or go brain dead very quickly  Read more:

    No time. I'm smart enough to have never used it. And you? Why would you like to know?

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