    I am not satisfied with the answers I've been getting. To rephrase the question; What is the difference with the o in dog and born ( that have an upside-down v above the o) and bold and hole (that have a straight line above the o). They all sound the same, yet appear to have different symbols in the dictionary. Why is one short and one long?

    +2  Views: 439 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    What are you expecting for an answer?  The "o" in "dog" is not pronounced the same as the "o" in "bold".  The symbols in the dictionary SHOULD be explained in the front of the dictionary. 
    If you truly can't hear the difference when you say the words or hear them said, no amount of explanation is going to make sense to you.  Again, elongate the word...doooooooog.  hoooooole. It really should be obvious.
    Keep us posted.  


    You really are a glutton for punishment Bob/PKB.
    I. thought you explained it great the time round

    Teacher blood? lol

    :o It takes an awful lot for me to give up on someone.

    Please keep this question about these words to one thread. You have now opened 5 questions about the same thing. Come back to the thread you read the answer in and post there for further instruction. Thanks. 

    Thank you for you interest and the question. You can probably blame the origin of the english language. As you get through school you will find alot of fascinating answers about language. Different people and origins are the reasons. Language changes throughout times.

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