    What are great ideas to show appreciation to employee?

    +4  Views: 639 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    I have found a bonus,no matter how small was always appreciated by employees.

    A few words like "Buddy,you did a great job this week,there's a couple of extra bucks in your pay".

    I think this depends on where you work and how much $ you can spend,  If it is many employees or just 1, As an employee I appreciated most gifts.  From a Starbuck's giftcard, to a Visa gift card (these are nice because the employee can choose what the will get), to a catered lunch or dinner.  It is important to feel appreciated.

    A raise.

    in these time`s of belt tightening it is important to keep good people happy so even if you cant reward them in a financial way a few positive words at the right time is appreciated.

    A raise, flowers, tickets to an event, a dinner, and a pat on the back.

    Most employees realise they are just a number,They work for $, £  so give them $ ,£. and they will appreciate it.  Really!

    Pass out lottery scratch offs................

    1% of the first year of benefit-yield from a great idea would have been welcome. Now that those times are long past, I own the planet and I am considering a few more adjustments to the overall interactivity schedule. More humor and less war potential, less work and more play time. A pot in every chicken……whatever.  

    A surprise bonus for those employees who have actually performed beyond expectations. This does not mean giving a bonus to someone who sucks up, or creates problems with other employees...but factually does a good job.

    A small bonus and it wiil be very apprieated

    Hawaiian T shirt day, once a week ...!


    That include the holiday daren lol

    but of course remember the movie "office Space"

    but of course remember the movie "office Space"

    I'd rather get a trip to Hawaii!

    Tell him/her you are not fired this month!! but next !!

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