    Will meat turn bad, if you leave it on the kitchen couter over night?

    I left some lamb inadvertently just one night and I wonder if I can still cook it?

    +3  Views: 738 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    Here's a tip.Never thaw meat on the counter.Always thaw it in the refridgerator.


    It takes a little longer but you are right.

    Give it to the dog, why chance it.


    Talking about me ED!!you must know the Wife?
    ed shank

    Ruff, Ruff.

    dogs get food poisoning too :(

    Why chance it? You mean the dog throwing up under the table while your all eating the good meat?!
    ed shank

    Dogs digestive systems are not the same as humans. They eat their own shit, why would a questionable piece of meat harm them?

    Dogs are carrion eaters. they love decaying flesh!:)

    TWO HOURS is the MAXIMUM time perishable foods should be at room temperature. This INCLUDES the time they're on the table during your meal. Just ONE bacterium, doubling every 20 minutes, can grow to over 2,097,152 bacteria in 7 hours!



    Cooking kills bacteria. Some people are obsessed with health and hygeine.

    Nom, if the meat is starting to go off, cooking will not make it digestable, only incredibly sick.

    I wouldn't risk it.  Besides can you imagine  how rank the  lamb meat would  get.  Have to hold your nose to eat it.


    Yeah, and go to hospitable with salmonella poisoning.

    Got that. It wouldn't make any difference to me if the meat was cooked for 2 days at 200°, the change of some ugly bug surviving is about "0" I still wouldn't eat it. Even an aged steak is too rank for my taste.

    Probably is safe if cooked thoroughly as soon as found but, I wouldn't trust it, I wouldn't eat it....

    I think two major factors determine how safe meat is: time and temperature.  If it's in the midst of the summer, don't risk it, as caddam suggests.  If the temperature is like in the 60's, it's probably alright if you thoroughly cook it.  Study the color and do the sniff test first to be safe.

    OK so long as well cooked.

    Not if it had been throughly cooked when discovered, IMO



    You will be astonished, if you saw what wanders over things including food stuffs during the night. Everything must be in airtight containers.

    Yeah baby! Eat it with Gusto ! Go by the senses that God gave ya. Does it look O.K.? Does it smell alright? How does it sound? When you squeeze it, is it still moist? Now cook it. If it doesn't smell and look good, throw it out. But if it does then taste it, if it makes you say mmmmmm, then,

    screw the fear-brokers; they're all going to die from stress long before they eat any more of their own bad cooking! Most of the fear these days is peddled by overly paranoid restaurant owners that don't know how to hire responsible people; so they give them guidelines so that, even if they forget for a few days, it wont end up costing them a law suit.

    Again, trust all of your senses, when in doubt ask a second opinion like this,

    " I can't wait to dig into this baby! Smell this and then tell me you can still resist, huh?"

    Defrost meat in the refridgerator only! Never on the counter. Your local health dept. will have food safety guidlines for you to follow just for the asking. Always err on the side of caution.

    I wouldn't trust eating it...the risk just isn't worth it.

    A healthy person might not get sick if it was fully cooked, a weak person could get sick. Fully cook it . if you must eat it.


    cook it for the dog. DO NOT EAT IT!  It's not worth the risk. Food poisoning is no joke. Been there done that.

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