9 Answers
PBhoye I believe we as individuals can take a part in eradicating racism. First if we are in its presence, we can say something, do something, stand for something. Racism probably is deminished when it is tackled from a lot of points of actions. There are many people over the years white black and in between that have helped bring down racism. One thing, like you said is international education, that's good. Have support groups and support people that stand up for what is right. Speak up and speak out when you see it. Also be an example of how people should treat people.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Why answer your own question so many times? Why give yourself best answer? You've already lost your audience if you are trying to put a message out. Please be more responsible with asking questions.
I have corrected the page and removed your answer as best answer. akaQA does not operate that way. I have also removed your multiple repeat comments.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
<removed by moderator> The real answer. It will NEVER be eradicated. There will always be people who will hate other people for whatever reason they can imagine. For example: When will war be eradicated. NEVER.
When can ignorance and stupidity be eradicated ?????????? They won't.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
As far as iggorance and stupiditie goes, the more stupid & pointless the intellegent question is the more ignorance it cultivates in us lesser smarrter peoples.