    What goes through a bugs mind as he hits the car windscreen.

    Looks like no one knows so I will tell you. "S***"

    +6  Views: 1084 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Can,t I have half a cigar coz??

    Its the end.

    17 Answers

    Closer attention needs to be payed here . Not endowing bugs with higher thought process ,the last thing physically through his mind is his ass  as they are connected the head and the backside . Just a joke . Have heard this one before . Funny  then and now as well !   Bill

    His little bitty eyes and nose does too.

    Now I would have thought his butt .

    Bluesman, I have never heard of anyone faced with a dilemma saying "Oh! butt" "Oh! shit" yes.


    PL, i have heard this before but for the life of me i can't remember-- old age is starting to settle in. -- i just read your answer, it's not what i have heard.

    Just keeping it clean . You are correct ! What I meant to say was Ass

    I didn't think a bug had any thoughts at all.  Now you're saying they have a mind?


    "Mind" what you are saying about our insectiverous friends.
    They are deep thinkers, I know I was married to one. But she "Buggered" off.

    Peoplelover , maybe thats how you got your name! (people) LOL

    I don't think he saw it coming.  It's the same way when a frog eats and bug.  Unless its a UFO bug and then it might think, "wrong calculations."

    Was the bug just flying by, towards the car, or flying away? It's head is going to hit regardless........


    Now we`re being pedantic Jules, oh well I know not to argue with a woman.
    Even when you win you lose.
    Yes dear.

    Good comeback, I applaud you..........

    I,will ask my neaibour,her name is Mrs ,Bug.old man bug js not around,but she has two little bugs,

    Sometimes you’re the windshield and sometimes you’re the bug


    So very very true Itsmee.
    What was that song "Some days are diamonds, some days are stones"
    May you be the windscreen more often than the bug.

    : ) and to you I wish the same.

    I hope nothing as I love bugs I always feel so sorry for them but there is nothing you can do for them

    It's arse.

    If the speed(s) is/are fast enough, and a vital part hits, death is most likely instantaneous.

    Definitely his or her butt! (I'm making this an equal opportunity answer regarding gender!)

    Nothing if the death is instant, otherwise your guess isw as good as anyone's



    fooey! Does anyone EVER say 'fooey'

    to "itsmee" my grandmother used to say fooey.

    Is the Wife got me Insured ?

    I don't know what he had on his mind? maybe his ass, but his buddy said bet you having got the guts to do that again!

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