    the best cure for a hangover, which you have tried to

    +2  Views: 852 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    A cure, another drink!

    16 Answers

    I have the 100% cure for hang overs.

    First you need to know what actualy causes the hang over right?

    Answer this, how many of you have had a hangover BEFORE you went to sleep?.

    NONE, you see it is the sleep that causes the hangover so there`s your answer keep drinking and don`t go to sleep.


    Good grief,now I know how I look like death warmed up but never get a hangover,thanks coz....KOTF

    LMAO I gotta try that.

    I've never had a hangover. Must be something in my genes because believe you me, I've deserved one.....

    Bloody Mary..

    hangovers are caused by dehydration. just get you a pitcher of ice water and sit back and drink the whole thing. you might want to swallow a couple of aspirin.

    stop drinking

    How about this....have one drink and then stop!  You'll feel just fine in the morning.



    I do not drink alcohol.


    NOT drinking alcohol is just fine, fjoel. It will never make an intelligent person "a drag" at a cocktail party. More often than not, alcohol turns people into rambling fools!

    Alcohol doesn`t mix well with chemotherapy.Chemotherpy tore up my gi system.

    umbriel see my answer,thanks.

    My GI system is messed because of wheat ... go figure and forget the stuff Umbriel talks about ... that would kill me.


    2 motrin with a large glass of water before bed and greasy food in the morning. works every time. the motrin is to ward off the headache. the water is to re-hydrate you which will help with the head ache and muscle soreness..the greasy food helps with the nausea.


    doolittle, not sure what motrin is, but the rest sounds fine

    motrin= ibuprofen

    I have heard of many suspected causes of a hangover, including the build up of a chemical the body produces in processing the alcohol. Nonetheless, if I don't have anything pressing to do, a couple of good stiff drinks usually eases the discomfort for me. It is commonly referred to as, hair of the dog that bit you...which conveniently coincides with my personal interpretation of Shakespeare's saying, "Revenge is a dish, best served up cold." (Burp!)

    We use this and it is tried and true, it is a combination of 2 each 2 ibuprofen & 2 acetaminophen however I am not a DR and I do not know if this is right for you also if your weight is under 150lb this dose maybe too high for you. Lots of water or energy drink’s and a Tum or two for the tummy. 



    that sounds risky----combining ibuprofen adn Tylenol ( Acetaminophen) together at the same time ?

    Mycatsmom, you gave me a unintended chuckle with your answer.
    "Combining them together at the SAME time"
    Be a bit hard to combine them together at different times.If you get my drift.
    We really do make funnies in the strangest ways.
    Me included.


    I had a dentist recommend this remedy for tooth ache, said it really worked......

    Bananas and Gatorade 

    When I'm drinking wine I always stop after two glasses and drink a bottle of water.

    When I know I'm going to be drinking a lot of beer I make sure I eat a good meal before starting. Later that night I take two Ibuprofen with a glass of water before I go to bed and wake up feeling fine.

    Works for me.

    I actually hate to say this in any way, shape or form as I don't eat the stuff... McDonalds ... what ever you order on the menu.  I have been told this works.

    I have forgotten this part ... My ex husband drinks a lot of water while he drinks alcohol... every day,  so that his hangover does not occur.  This is his tactic.

    My best friend is dead because of hangovers and water every day.... That was her tactic ...You know, after I finally became angry... That last ridiculous phone call.  "If it becomes too much, I will kill myself." ... and then one day she did.

    Do yourself a favor and value your life.  Stop with the hangover thing and do something far more useful.  Seriously.

    There are people who value your silly a$$ life... don't let them down.


    I don't eat macca's either, just the burgers you make yourself, sorry for your friend fish, she must have had a lot of problems

    A big breakfast, eggs, bacon, fried tomato, chips and toast. If I can't have that I settle for a  hamburger with the works, but must have the egg and bacon. all washed down with water

    Drinks loads of water the night before you go to sleep in the morning if you have a head acke thake parocetemol and a greasy breakfast works you fell tyed all day so go for a long walk and drink lots of water all day and if that doesnt work the hare of the dog ( another drink)

    Gator-aid the night you drink before you go to bed.

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