    if woman who have children and are beaten and abused,if woman like that would have a salaryfor raiseing and careing for her kids,she might not have to think twice about getting outif she had independance with a salary

    ive met to many woman crying beaten and saying....wat can i do were will i go,but if woman had a salary maybe the feeling of independance andgetting outwould get there further than in a grave.

    +1  Views: 267 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Oh this is very sad.  If these women are US residents or legal aliens then they can get $ and housing.  Even if they are not they should contact a domestic violence center (usually free for those who have no $) to learn about it, make a plan, get support from other women, and get help figuring out how to get a job or other $.. There are free shelters that accept women and children and in some you can stay for several months or up to a year- free.

    You are absolutely correct Natashly.The only problem is :- Where does the salary come from?

    Are you suggesting that the tax payer should be imposed upon to make these payments?

    I agree with you that there are thousands of women out there who would gladly walk out if they could take the security of a steady income with them.

    The trouble is,abusive husband seldom want to support a wife who leaves them.

    It's a problem governments around the world can't seem to solve so I doubt whether we will get any satisfactory solutions here.

    Having said all that I hope you do find a satisfactory arrangement somehow.

    Good luck.Tommy.

    I`M sorry that you`re in this situation...(I have been there too)!..If in the UK..Contact Womens AID..Who are brilliant at organising all sorts of help!...I also found online sites where women in similar situations and os who have previously been through it..and want to help other women....I saw my GP and also got a social worker who helped sort out housing and emergency food and funding and give you loads of practical advice!...My thoughts are with you and your kids..don`t be too proud to ask for ANY help you need!!...I know how hopeless i felt...but PLEASE DON`T DESPAIR!!...SO MANY PEOPLE out there to help you!!...ALL THE BEST..MILLIE XX

    A lot of women make the excuse of........I have no where to go, i have to stay for the kids sake, i wont be able to manage without him, but i love him.There is plenty of help for abused women, half the time i think they just don't want to be without a man in thier life.

    I have been on this site for almost a year and the number of women who have posted this same dilema is in the dozens. Why do you let a man beat you? Why don't you have a skill? Let me guess, you were so head over heals in love, you couldn't detect his possesive nature and you thought that he will take care of you forever. My heart goes out to your children, see to it that they have a roof over their head and never go hungry. I have no compassion for your bad judgement in this man. Now pick your ass up, stop the pity and take care of your kids. Drag his ass into court and make him pay and pay and pay. Good luck.

    Paid to breed that would help the world a lot. But I do feel sad and bad for all who are in pain.

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