    what is use ?

    0  Views: 789 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Google Dictionary Images Wikipedia
    1 verb-transitive
    To put into service or apply for a purpose; employ.

    2 verb-transitive
    To avail oneself of; practice: use caution.

    3 verb-transitive
    To conduct oneself toward; treat or handle: "the peace offering of a man who once used you unkindly” ( Laurence Sterne).

    4 verb-transitive
    To seek or achieve an end by means of; exploit: used their highly placed friends to gain access to the president; felt he was being used by seekers of favor.

    5 verb-transitive
    To take or consume; partake of: She rarely used alcohol.

    6 verb-intransitive
    Used in the past tense followed by to in order to indicate a former state, habitual practice, or custom: Mail service used to be faster.

    7 noun
    The act of using; the application or employment of something for a purpose: with the use of a calculator; skilled in the use of the bow and arrow.

    8 noun
    The condition or fact of being used: a chair in regular use.

    9 noun
    The manner of using; usage: learned the proper use of power tools.

    10 noun
    The permission, privilege, or benefit of using something: gave us the use of their summerhouse.

    11 noun
    The power or ability to use something: lost the use of one arm.

    12 noun
    The need or occasion to use or employ: have no use for these old clothes.

    13 noun
    The quality of being suitable or adaptable to an end; usefulness: tried to be of use in the kitchen.

    14 noun
    A purpose for which something is used: a tool with several uses; a pretty bowl, but of what use is it?

    15 noun
    Gain or advantage; good: There's no use in discussing it. What's the use?

    16 noun
    Accustomed or usual procedure or practice.

    17 noun
    Law Enjoyment of property, as by occupying or exercising it.

    18 noun
    Law The benefit or profit of lands and tenements of which the legal title and possession are vested in another.

    19 noun
    Law The arrangement establishing the equitable right to such benefits and profits.

    20 noun
    A liturgical form practiced in a particular church, ecclesiastical district, or community.

    21 noun
    Obsolete Usual occurrence or experience.

    22 phrasal-verb
    use up To consume completely: used up all our money. Bet you never expected that answer   lol  KOTF


    Hail Hail KOTF! ...... skirt wearing man!

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