16 Answers
Sing it to her and tell her "You're not that bad; I'm still here!" http://youtu.be/0uRs1h4Tetw
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Whoever told you that sought to take from you what was not theirs to take. They saw the Light in you as true and their light they knew as dim, next to you. So they told you that you are ugly so that in your belief , they could be seen as fair and you, diminished. Such perversions of the truth have been used for thousands of years to beguile unearned status from the innocent, beautiful and true. Truth is so much greater than lies that cannot withstand the Light of loves first kiss.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Have you people enlarged his photo?
Sounds like the kettle (her) is calling the pot (him) black.
Just tell her "I know but you can`t help it, just keeping taking care of all my needs and all will turn out OK in the end" "Any way who is going to be looking at you when I am there, come on."
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |