    What is your favorite day of the week?

    I promised a friend that I would post an ordinary question and so here it is.

    +21  Views: 1488 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    Do Catholics still eat fish on Fridays? I guess you wouldn't like Fridays too much hey?

    I could eat fish, and underwear for that matter seven days a week.( Does eating fish 7 days a week make me seem strange?)

    No tom now all the catholics eat at "chillies"

    Do not eat the fish! For goodness sakes and the family tree... stop eating my cousins!
    All the Catholics are at Chillies?
    Friday just isn't what is used to be. Wow... who knew?!

    What a great question, Fish Fry!!!!!!!!

    28 Answers

    Saturday. A day of cooking shows and akaqa all day...........

    I'm retired...every day is my favorite day!!!!      :)


    That's the attitude I want to have!

    Plan ahead for retirement just as you would for any other activity...check things out...sign up...try something new...get a volunteer job...try everything and then eliminate what you don't enjoy (as much)...most importantly...don't wait for someone else to "join with you" doesn't happen...just go!!! :)

    Every day on this side of the grass is a bonus. 3rd Sunday of each month is the day we get off.

    That's the day our daughter goes to respite,so that would be a favourite I s'pose.

    Sunday, get to spend time with friends and eat out.

    Sunday... a day of rest,reflection and football.(bet you all thought i was going to say church)..


    NO!! maybe the name of the football team"

    Big game today,i'm sure you know by now

    I used to have normal working hours like weekdays .My favorite day then was Saturday. Now my favorite day is Wednesday, which is my new Saturday. Also Wednesday is senior discount day and in a couple weeks the new Survivor series starts on Wednesday.


    So it,s Wednesday then?


    LOVE "Survivor"...can't wait for the next one!

    Once you're retired, they all look the same.



    Yeah, fun and relaxing! Do whatever you choose or choose to take a day to do nothing! :)

    I like Wobbleday coz I always promise myself I,m not going to weeble,you,ve really got to admit it would be no use weebling on Wobbleday, wot would be the point,and anyway my fleamily don,t like weebling and I don,t have the time to teach them all the ins and outs of the weeble rules OK?  



    I think webble day muth be good, romoth. LOL

    @Umbriel,now I know where you live.

    Please explain your answer to your North American cousins....please?? Curious.

    Just a bit of Scottish insanity, these Qs shouldn,t be asked late at night

    Every day  has good stuff going on for me, but I really look forward to Tuesday evenings, when I bowl a mixed 4 with 3 people I absolutely love.  :D  


    Bob, see my response above (under your comment).

    Thank God it's Friday.:)

    I really got two, Friday because it 's the last work day on the job. Sunday the day to worship and later to watch sports.



    How come?

    I`m not real sure, monday is over. Our town sales newspaper comes out that day,it shows all the auctions. I like auctions.The newspaper is called "the Bonnie

    I love every day. Because when I wake up another day breathing. Its good to be "Alive"don't you think?


    Does that include Wobbleday for your Weebleing? lol.

    had a bad dream "woke up her hands round my throat!!that was Wobbleday lol

    Tommy is correct "any day this side of the grass is a bonus" as long as you are vertical and warm you are not doing too bad.

    I do like Wednesday as that is the day Inca the wonder dog and I visit the "Oldies" as we call them.

    Come away feeling uplifted that we were able to go there, bring some joy to the people, and most of all LEAVE.


    Every day is my favorite day.  I feel great and blessed to be alive each day.

    Life is short.  So I'm to the point where every day is a fabulous day.  I just went to my mom's house yesterday to help her celebrate her 84th birthday.  She was happy, looked great with her jewelry and pretty white clothes.  We went out to lunch.  She got her boots out of the repair shop.  She's going to have a party at my sister's next week.  She celebrates everyday.  I love Friday because that nite my better half is off work and I stop thinking about all my obligations on Friday.  But really I love every day. 


    84! ... and a nice answer. Thanks Tabbie-tabber!

    Friday the day when we offer JUMA PRAYER at JAMIA MASJID

    Tuesday. It's my pool league night with the guys!


    COOL!! LOVE to play, but not so good at it. Hubby beats me almost all the time!! Good for you!

    michmart118, Practice and you will beat your husband in no time! It's a great game that anybody can learn to play and it's a great night out. Just be aware that the table is set up mathamaticaly to "scratch" so you need to make your shot with the least amount of energy as needed. Play closest shots and easy shots. You'll be surprised how well your game improves with these three simple steps! Go get him girl!!!

    Sunday, when it's one one of my days off work. I get two a month.  Sundays , just chillin'...... Enjoy working Saturdays because it is busy and I know I will have a weekday off to do practical things such as DR. appts., grocery shopping, going anywhere without there being a tremendous throng of people there,  I hate crowds!!  Therefore, in general, I usually do not mind in the least to work weekends if it means I get at least one weekday off as the payoff.  :-}


    It is great when someone answers this way... a slice of life kind of way. Thanks.

    Fishfry, it seems you are gifted at seeing things in the "big picture". Thank you for seeing my answer as a whole and not compartmentalizing it. You obviously think "outside the box"!! :->



    Twice... bonus!

    I like Fridays

    ed shank

    TGIF's happy hour, right on.

    every day when  I wake up in the morning... 

    They all suck. I'm so bored since I sold everything in the shop. I can't stand it. If I don't get back into what I was doing I'm going to loose it. The smell of the fuel and oil makes me nuts, I really miss it. 


    What did you do outside of work? Didn't you have anything that was a fun activity that you looked forward to when you retired?
    I like Saturday and Sunday, days of rest and akaQA. :)

    Good eh?

    I retired my 9 to 5 job at fifty. I decided to turn my hobbie into a part time business. Business took off like crazy, I could barely keep up with it. I was building high horsepower motors up to 3000HP. I lost a lawsuit recently when one of my engines exploded and destroyed the racecar and almost killed the customer. I didn't contest the suit, it was an error on my part. The wifes bitching about the suit  wore me down and I decided to close shop. Worst thing I ever did. I've deciced in the last few days that I have to start up again regardless of the wife. My sanity is at stake here. If she doesn't get it, tough shit. 


    I think you are right Ed... you need to keep busy. I am the same. I will never retire. It would drive me nuts.

    Now Fishy...I am retired AND busy. I live life to the fullest but do not go to "work" at a certain time nor do I get paid for any of the "work" that I now do. Retirement does not mean "doing nothing" and therefore, being bored to death! Just saying.

    She didn't like the hobby, she didn't understand your passion for it. It happens everyday. It should. What is important to you should be important to her, and vice versa.
    It's something I had to learn after I unlearn bad habits of indifference. I'm still learning.

    Ducka... potters never retire... there is always one more pot to throw. :)

    Quitting time FRIDAY YAY!!!!!!!

    Monday, all the crowds are gone, I can shop to my hearts content, travel, and enjoy the beach almost alone. I like people, not crowds. It's not hard to talk to a stranger and met nice couples, kids, anyone. In a crowd people tend to get stressed out, and mean.

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