    What is the most attractive part of a woman'body

    +9  Views: 2166 Answers: 26 Posted: 13 years ago

    Her brain,

    26 Answers

    Her smiles and white teeth.


    until she takes them out !!

    dowsa, your comment is serious but also quite funny. When I was in secondary school in Singapore, the water there had no fluoride. Hence many young girls wore dentures. I had the shock of my life when her dentures rested inside my mouth. That scared the living crap out of me.

    a loving and empathetic heart.

    It would be her eyes they show you were her heart is at..

    In the opinion of the woman herself, her partner, her neighbor, her children, her friends, her relatives, her co-workers, her employees....I'm thinking that they would probably all have different answers.     :)

    beauty is in the eye of the beholder


    And I dont mind "Holden" Grr

    whatever part you like.  Some like feet.  Some like meat.  Some like skinny and bones, but not to eat.  Some like long legs, some like short.  Some like hamhocks mixed with broth. Some like eyes some like teeth, some like women that wear head wreaths.  Some like lips, some like eyes, but most people don't like spys.  Some like women that smile.  Some like women that frown, but how ever she is there's sure to be some men around.


    cute, tabber, well-done!

    Smarty pants!

    Hard to tell when they are forced to wear burquas.


    Only a small percentage worldwide wear burquas. You can't tell aside from that??!! And I agree that force is used against them. Way past time for change......liberation...No more human bondage.....anywhere!!

    Well, I have many female friends- humans and animals!  Across the board I would say their eyes!


    Men's knees tell a story; knobby knees indicate a tightwad. Swollen knees = poor health. Dirty knees means someone is always begging for something.

    Never seen a tatted knee, but elbows, yes. They are usually covered with spider webs. The elbow is the center of the web. These people are to be avoided at all costs. They are masochists, quite possible sadists as well. Tattoos on bony body parts HURTS A LOT.

    Tattoos obtained during incarceration are not quite as professional as those done in a studio or show. Webs need to be nice. What I have noticed visiting my son at the county jail is that there are a lot of guys with tattoos on their heads, necks and faces. Not done in the hoosegow; too precise. Very intimidating.

    Hold on.... I'm trying to choose....

    i was always told that there is no such thing as a bad looking woman,its just some are better than others.that works for me.

    Depends on who you are looking at and what your age is........

    All her parts and extra on the top.

    I love sparking eyes then i check out their bum, discreetly of course, nice small rounded bottom  turns me on.:)

    Boobs... And... uh..... Yeah, that part too.. Boobs and that other part..


    So.... You're into the basic functional bits hey Vinny? Hahahaha!

    Every part.


    It depends whether she is walking towards you, or away from you.

    Dad always said, "Closer the bone, sweeter the meat, but who the hell wants to die sugar diabetes"!!!

    her eyes.

    Elbows.  Elbows need to be soft and rounded. Scratchy dry elbows can actually cut someone.  They need to be clean, too (ya gotta wash them carefully...think of ll the places where you have rested your chin on your elbows, which are resting on a strange table.


    Mine are too boney to be rounded! lol

    Mine are "pointy". They have done "damage"

    Yeah, elbows. That's the FIRST thing I look at. :)

    I stand's absolutely the female elbow...and for guys it has got to be their knees :)

    Facinating..prepare to get pictures of elbows and knees to tell me whether I should be hanging out with these people!! What about tatood elbows and knees?

    spider webs- and they have most likely been inmates!!!

    Yes they are cruder tatoos and usually black...and they use the entire upper part of the precisioin or color like a professional tatoo.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!!...:->

    I guess I've always had an appreciation for the shape of a woman's derriere, while also appreciating the rest of her also. It's hard not to appreciate a person in their entirety, including their personality. I mean, I've known some attractive women, that had personalities that made them people you wouldn't like around you. While there were some women I've known over the years, who had just average physical looks...who had their own kind of beauty going on.

    her beautiful 

    HAIR!!!!!! (I think that it is my most attractive part anyway.)

    Her hands Proverbs 31



    Her "stillness when she is "Sleeping " "OH peace at last .


    ROFL!!! I guess you didn't marry a 'tosser'

    spot on DOO. I suppose she thinks the same about me !!

    " T's & A "  ;)

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