    FROZEN DINNERS! Had one lately?

    I have two empty, clean boxes of frozen food on my desk. Last night I tried to make an easy dinner by using these foods. It was a bad idea. Today I'm going to make a phone call to the producers of the food and let them know what I think of their products. The phone # is on the box. I'm going to send a quick e-mail too.  The products couldn't be eaten. They were HORRIBLE and they smelled bad.

    #1 Bad Food:  Valley Fresh Steamers (The vegetables were baby carrots, green beans, slices yellow carrots and red pepper strips)     Barf

    #2  Healthy Choice ( Portabella Spinach Parmesan) Gag

    My husband had some kind of frozen prepared fished. He ate it so I will not call the company. Never again will prepared fish come into my house. 

    I had toast and a smoothie for dinner. Things won't improve unless we do something. 




    0  Views: 664 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    If it,s the ones with the foil on top itsmee, I shouldn,t bother,mine have been in the freezer since 1983, I think I,ll go throw them out..KOTF.


    Slow down there Romos. Its only been 29 years...are you SURE you don't need them????? LOL

    see second reply (above!)

    They have fancy containers and they’re really expensive. Those old times ones weren’t too bad -- especially the chicken.

    Lately all my dinners are frozen, it's cold around here..

    I agree itsmee...there are a few that aren't too bad- but bad frozen dinners are barf/gag/yuck..and too expensive (even if on sale) to just say "oh well"


    That's right Dr. doo. They will no doubt send me coupons so I'll try another dinner. (It's happened before) We have Steamers frequently. (Peas and mixed vegetables) They they're good.

    OK? Should I keep them then??? I,m having a TV dinner party at the weekend, I need to know asap.TY...KOTF.

    Well, here is the wisest thing to do: Heat as directed. Cool a bit. Have your Court Jester Flea eat some....If Jester dies, place meal in a biohazard container With Jester & quickly and call for Pizza. If Jester lives, place in a biohazard container With Jester, & call for Pizza. Scour all cooking surfaces, oven, and freezes with a decontaminate prior to opening anything in the kitchen- even a beer!

    That seems like a lot of work,are you available to do anything this weekend,Free food, can,t pay much.

    I'm feeling pretty lazy....might order pizza and watch "THE" are welcome to join in and watch on my new tv. 2 rules 1) NO fleas on the cat and 2) ALL fleas must leave with KOTF at departure time.

    KOTF will be watching GIANTS Vs PATRIOTS from his little cave in downtown Scotland with his "skirt" on,eating his Haggis,drinking his Whisky keeping his Fleamily warm at 01.30am, is that dedication enough? ( Only for this site BTW )

    LOL! You'll be a Yanky yet (not the team but one of 'us' across the pond) LOL!!! Sounds more fun- enjoy!

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