4 Answers
I’ve had several people move to Columbus Ohio from Florida because they are tired of the hurricanes and storms. So they often ask what natural disasters occur in Columbus Ohio? I’ve lived in the Columbus Ohio area since 1969 and I cannot remember there being a tornado that has caused any damage. There have been tornadoes in other parts of Ohio and from what I understand they tend to hit more rural areas rather than the city.
Minor flooding has occurred in few isolated areas, but it’s not really a problem all over Central Ohio. Blizzards are not common, but we have had two that I can remember. I can remember the Columbus Blizzard of January, 1978 when I was a kid as being the worst. I guess there was several inches of snow that fell in Columbus Ohio within 24 hours, but it was the blinding winds and below zero temperatures combined that turned this snow storm into a blizzard. There were lots of power outages and people were stranded in their homes without heat. I remember the Ohio National Guard rescued our family from the freezing cold and took us to a local recreation center to stay warm for a few days until power could be restored.
Columbus Ohio had another minor blizzard in March of 2008, which didn’t cause major power outages and only caused roads to be closed for a day or two. The Blizzard of March 2008 consisted of a 15.4 inch record snow fall, in a 24 hour period, recorded at Port Columbus Airport and about 20.4 inches of snow piled up altogether. However, since it was March, it quickly warmed up after the storm and melted the snow. So this was nothing like the Blizzard of 1978. Snow storms of this magnitude are quite rare in Columbus Ohio.
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