1 Answer
The runner jumped.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, runner, and one predicate, jumped.
The singer bowed.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, singer, and one predicate, bowed.
The baby cried.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, baby, and one predicate, cried.
The girl ran into her bedroom.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, girl, and one predicate, ran into her bedroom. This example is distinct from the previous three in that its verb phrase consists of more than one word.
In the backyard, the dog barked and howled at the cat.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, dog, and one predicate, barked and howled at the cat. This predicate has two verbs, known as a compound predicate: barked and howled. This compound verb should not be confused with a compound sentence. In the backyard and at the cat are prepositional phrases.
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