    is lime juice good for the skin

    0  Views: 761 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    The Natural Way To Healthy Skin.  


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     Natural Aids for Beautiful Skin
    Several natural aids have been found useful in promoting healthy and beautiful skin.
    Lime Juice
    Lime juice is an important natural aid for healthy skin.
    1. Lime Juice Formula
    Squeeze lime into a bowl. Add a glass of boiled whole milk and a teaspoon of glycerin to it. Stir well and let it stay for half an hour. Apply this mixture on the face, hands and feet before going to bed at night. This treatment every night will help you to look young and beautiful. It will also help cure pimples.
    2. For very oily skin
    Squeeze lemon juice in a bowl of iced water. Splash this over the face, massage for five minutes and then wash off with water.
    3. T o improve a dull and greasy complexion
    Mix half teaspoon of lime juice with one teaspoon of cucumber juice and a few drops of rose water. Apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes. Remove with water.
    4. To improve a dry and rough skin
    Take an egg yolk and mix in a few drops of lime and olive oil. Spread on the face and leave it till the skin feels dry. Wash off with ordinary water and splash on cold water.
    5. To relieve tired eyes
    Take four tablespoons each of lime juice and iced water. Saturate cotton pads in this water and place over your closed eyelids for 10 minutes.
    6. To remove freckles
    Blanch and grind two almonds. Mix it with white of an egg to which half teaspoon of lime juice has been added. Spread on the face and leave it on till the skin feels dry. Then, wash off first with warm water and then with cold water.


    Yes, lemon juice is really good for skin. It helps to lighten your skin. It contains vitamin C which is important to increase our skin texture.  Lemon juice helps to solve all type of skin problems.

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