    who can help me on xiaflan med. for hep c?

    I can't afford this medication it cost $1100.00 per month.

    +1  Views: 4286 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    If I could find some info on it I might be able to guide you somewhere, I am not a Doctor and as far as I know no one is on this site,I would advise you to seek an alternative physician however for a second opinion, sorry I can,t be of more help but I live in Scotland, totally different here.

    4 Answers

    Buy Brand Xifaxan Online | Cheap Xifaxan online | Xifaxan Price › ... › Brand ProductsCached

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    Block all results go this site it could be cheaper hope everything works out x

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    Buy Xifaxan online and receive cheap Xifaxan after finding a great Xifaxan price from your ... The Xifaxan medication you purchase is manufactured by Salix and Salix ... We make sure that when you buy Xifaxan online, you are ordering high ...

    Is this a new drug? I can find no info on it.

    Texas Blue

    Not a new drug just expesive drug. my doctor gives me 550mg 2X a day. No insurance of medicare covers it. If i don't start taking it right, she will not help me anymore. Is there someone who can help me?
    Texas Blue

    Maybe i spelled it wrong. Xifaxan Made by Salix

    Try free medcal assistance programs on Net. Call the Pharmacutical comp. that makes your drug and explain your situation. They will most likely to help you.Good luck.

    It is unbelievable that a country such as ours, wont  provide  lifesaving medication automaticially for those who cant afford it.

    Try your Health Dept., ask your Drs. Ofc., if they know of any assitances programs in your area or State!!

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