    Favorite sandwich???

    Toasted bagel with cream cheese and ham.

    +13  Views: 1465 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    LOL.. you can tell when i have PMS sadness or the munchies... I always ask about food.. LOL

    Chocolate. It was always chocolate for my PMS :D

    26 Answers

    One l dont have to make my self.


    Lazy B,

    Pastrami,cream cheese,red onion with wholegrain bread, Mhmm,lovely...KOTF.


    Did someone say PASTRAMI!!!

    On my way to Port O Subs right now :D

    I love a good, old fashioned hamburger.............


    Home made I hope?

    Homemade or store bought, I'm not too picky as long as everything is on it: mayo, mustard, pickles, lettuce. tomato, jalapeno, cheese....(of course onion........).............


    JH what happened to the beetroot and beef pattie on you burger?

    The patty goes w/o saying, what is beetroot?

    Oh dear Jools!!! There is no such thing as a hamburger Or sandwich without beetroot.
    Beetroot is a dark purple coloured root vegetable which is boiled skinned & sliced & put on sandwiches.MMMMM! delicio!!

    Can I find it in the states? I'll hunt at a produce specialty store. It had better be good. Boil until soft?

    Tommy & PEOPLELOVER probably put Vegemite on their favorite sandwiches. : )

    @Itsmee, ha ha, you're right................!

    A BLT on toast with mayo.


    OOhh, haven't had a good BLT in ages.

    Mayonaise is the stuff you put on food when A) You don`t like the taste of the food or B) the food is a bit "off" and you still don`t like the taste of it.
    BLTs are great but Bacon Lettuce & Tomato don`t spoil a good thing.
    Good to see you again Rick, hows it hanging?

    Have no fear PEOPLELOVER,very lite on the mayo.And I'm "hanging" in there,things could be better but I know they could be worst,still working at least.

    No kidding about the cheesy looking bacon. The packages aren't even a whole pound anymore, just like ice cream doesn't come in half gallons. COSTCO has some pretty good stuff, but you have to buy 4 lbs at a time. They're in 1 pound packages, though. I'm so hungry...been working nonstop for 7 1/2 hours.

    Tuna melt on rye bread


    Albacore, pleeeeeease!

    Itsme. Yes.

    Prawns and coleslaw, or vegemite and smiths chips (truly good on a crunchy roll)


    Leave of the vegi, thr rest are perfect.

    gotta have the vegemite!!!!

    Vegemite!!!! There it is.

    Call me boring but i love peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat, with a big glass of milk...


    I've never understood what jelly is??

    A sweet, clear, semisolid, somewhat elastic spread or preserve made from fruit juice and sugar boiled to a thick consistency.
    Set (food) as or in a jelly: "jellied cranberry sauce".
    noun. jell - gelatine - gelatin - aspic - jam
    verb. jellify - jell - congeal

    lambshank: it's "strained" jam. No seeds or bits of the fruit at all. Just coagulated, heavily sugared juice of the fruit.

    Couldn`t think of anything less appertising.
    Jam and peanut butter, yuk.

    sounds strange, but I would like to try it

    And you actually prefer that to vegemite?

    chesse and lettuce


    you got me if you add a bit of onion

    We always have 100% Whole Wheat cuz it’s good for us. BUT, I haven’t thought of it for a long long long time: a sliced cheese sandwich on white bread, with 3” of lettuce and a ton of Miracle Whip.
    I loved that when I was a kid.
    (Do they still make Wonder Bread with the blue, red, and yellow dots?)

    My first thought was hot pastrami with provolone, on sour dough, with a generous spread of 3 parts mayo to 1 part mustard, with lettuce, tomato, red onion, dill pickle strips, and peppercinis.  But that BLT sounds delicious, and reminded me of toasted cheese sandwiches (served with your favorite soup, of course).  
    I need to fix some lunch.  Later, everybody. 


    Makes you hungry doesn,t it???

    I,ll have whatever havin...KOTF.

    Seem's so hard to find a good cut of bacon any more.

    Rick, I agree. When and if you buy bacon, turn the package over. The more red stripes you see through the opening the better the bacon. The colored part is the meat ... the rest the fat. I like bacon and I haven’t quite given it up yet... almost.

    YOU aught to try purade melted avocado and cheese on toast, i'ts the best bteakfast, introduced to me by my mate in Queensland.



    Up the Queenslanders Bulletman. Yeah I know you said "That`s right, up the Qlders"
    Like your brekkie, love avo on toast with pepper and salt.

    PEOPLELOVER: You forgot the onion.

    One guess, VEGEMITE.


    What is it with Aussies and vegimite???? Nooooooo!!!!

    Romos, i also like Black pudding and Haggis. YEEEEEEEEEESSS!

    Vegemite is like spam, only vegetarian? What is black pudding? What is Haggis? It is becoming increasingly obvious that I need to visit Australia for an extended period of time!

    Bob, vegemite is a beef extract spread quite salty and a flavour you like or hate.
    Most Aussies eat it on toast or fresh bread. Great stuff.
    Black pudding is a sausage made from bullocks blood and sliced and fried.
    I prefer white pudding which is pigs blood.
    Haggis is a heap of unmentionable ingredients from the interior of animals and traditionaly cooked in a sheeps stomach bag.
    Not literaly IN the sheep.
    I have a spare bed room for when you come to OZ.

    @PL...I don't think that a truck load of mayonnaise would be enough to over power the taste of bullock's blood or animal interiors! YUK!!!!

    Have you tried it, Ducka, i have it smothered in Tomato Sauce. my partner hates me doing that.

    I haven't, so I shouldn't be saying "yuk", like a little kid does, BEFORE even tasting it. (Bad Ducka!) Maybe one day... :(

    Vegemite ... oooof.
    Bullocks Blood ... I’l pass. I’ll double pass.
    Pigs Blood ... Ho My. I will double pass once more.
    And Haggis is the one with “unmentionable ingredients”

    My dad used to eat Pig’s feet and buttermilk and I thought that was strange. I believe he also had rattle snake (not in my presence)
    PEOPLELOVER: Thank you for the education. I’ll have cake. : ))

    Good old standard PB & J.

    Steak/cheese, lettuce, tomato, jalapeno(LOTSA), a tad mayo on wheat.


    Wowee ... That’s a real manwich, dad.

    A pita pocket filled with lots of "stuff"........tomato chunks, onion, spinach leaves, pepper, mayonnaise, mustard, ham, cheddar cheese, green olives, and red peppers!   Is that enough?   lol


    Blasted mayonaise AGAIN overpowers everything else.

    That sounds good. It needs red onion. I’m going to buy some Pita bread.

    just looked at all the answers and now I am starving I dont think I have a favorite sandwich as I like most of all sanwiches except ones with steak in it not really red meat eater I love tuna and advocado sanwich drizzled with home made vinigar dressing and rocket salad on it thats one Of my favorites I sopose


    ValRs did it for me, pity you don,t like red meat.

    ROMOS it looks very good but yuk to me because of the red meat bit ps hows those flees doing! there not too hot I hope!! oxoox

    WoW!!!  i'm starving!!!!  All of this sounds yummy!  well 2 or 3 sounded gross but worth a try.


    Changed your mind in mid thought, didn't you? lol

    Oh NOoooooo I'm typing "out loud" now!!!! -lol! Maybe my brain suffered more than I thought with that last hospital procedure! lol!

    Careful...we "know" what you're thinking. lol

    Ooops...I was just joking! In my thoughts.

    Ducka sure made me laugh when she caught you changing your mind mid thought.
    There were, Ducka, just a few that were Yucka.
    doo knows what I’m talking about.

    :) I dn"t like thinling about eating the blood from animals I have talked to- LOL

    Shooter's sandwich

    1. You will need your choice of crusty loaf, a couple of good steaks - rib-eyes - roughly the same shape in plan as the loaf plus 500g of mushrooms and 200g of shallots.

    2. Slice off the top quarter of the loaf, hook out most of the crumb, and save for breadcrumbs.

    3. Cut your shallots and mushrooms into fine dice and put about 75g of butter into the pan. Other fats, like beef bone marrow, will do.

    4. Cook mushrooms and shallots fiercely in the butter, stirring continuously, until they have softened, reduced in size and lost a substantial amount of moisture. This is the classic 'duxelles' mixture used in a beef Wellington. Portabella mushrooms and sliced onions could be substituted but that feels like a vegetarian option and somehow undermines the whole point.

    5. Once sufficiently cooked, down the mushrooms will absorb flavor like a sponge. Add salt and black pepper, some finely grated garlic, a shot of brandy and a splash of Worcestershire sauce. Those fearing scurvy might add some chopped parsley too J

    6. Season the steaks and bring them to the pink side of medium in a searing hot dry pan. Don't bother resting them. Work fast, tuck the first one, dripping, and hot, straight into the bottom of the hollow loaf. It doesn't matter if the juices leak now - in fact, it just makes the whole thing more sublime.

    7. Dollop in your hot mushroom mixture and tuck your second steak over the top. At this stage, smear hot horseradish on the top steak and Dijon mustard on the inside of the lid before fitting it back on to the loaf.

    8. Wrap the whole thing in greaseproof paper and tie with butcher's string, then wrap in two layers of foil and smush flat under a heavy cutting board and as many weights as you can find. Leave under the weights in a reasonably cool place (don't refrigerate) for at least six hours or preferably overnight. Remove the foil and cut through string, paper and sandwich.

    9. Serve it sliced like cake accompanied by something vaguely vegetable-based to assuage the guilt; possibly a Bloody Mary.


    That sound fantastic, I must give it a try, love mushrooms and steak, in fact like all your goodies, Thanks for that. I am hungry now.

    That does sound mighty good valR...

    wow, I'd love that

    You are a gourmet. That sounds yummmmm.

    A Monte Carlo Sandwich, like they used to serve at Bennigans(before they closed down).


    That's the sandwich where the bread is coated in egg and cooked...the sandwich is encased? YUM

    I love, Soft spread cheese, and jam, in French stick.


    Wow..cheese and jam? Never heard of that one. :(

    tuna salad.


    That's my 12 yr. old son's favorite, actually he likes it with townhouse/ritz crackers or just right of bowl.

    that sounds good ,too.

    A delicious hot Bacon Banjo.

    bacon sandwich, brown rockin horse

    When growing-up, I ate alot of "Jam sandwiches", have you ever had one???


    Yep...filled the tummy at a low cost. :)

    Jam and fresh cream (thick) sanwiches, delicious!

    they are great!

    Back when, I was growing-up it was a tough living for my parents, so alot of times it wasn't unusual for mother Hubbard's cabinets and frig to be bare especially with 9 kids at home, so you made do, so a "Jam sandwich" those days was, you Jammed two slices of bread together an made do.

    Meat: Medium rare roast beef.

    Cheese: Munster

    Bread: Sourdough.

    Condiments: Butter, light mustard, and sometimes light layer of mayo.

    Veggies: Onions.

    Sandwich: Delicious.

    King Prawns on fresh white bread with balsamic vinegar.

    Ducka’s stuffed pita pocket

    dad’s manwich

    abby grant’s cheese and lettuce



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