    Should a suicidal patient be allowed to refuse a feeding tube?

    +3  Views: 3872 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Legally speaking, you can refuse any medical treatment.

    I saw a movie about this, it was called WHO'S LIFE IS IT ANYWAYS? starring Richard Dreyfus (sp?) and as the title character he went to court to starve himself and won...Long story............

    No, suicide is against the law (in the USA anyway). 

    I can see both sides of that coin, and hesitate to call it either way.  

    So if suicide is illegal in the US, is attempted suicide also illegal? If a suicide attempt fails, can the person be charged, and if so what is the likely sentence?  Seems very odd to me.


    Yes, attempted suicide is illegal. They can be charged and committed to a mental health hospital to reside there for the court appointed sentence/length of time. It would be the same as being in prison. No freedoms.

    that’s a sad sad situation

    So do people with incurable illnesses go to Switzerland to die with the assisted suicide company Dignitas? Or do they die in the USA after the medical profession has taken its cut?

    I think a suicidal patient should be able to refuse a feeding tube. In most (if not all) cases the patient would be very ill with little chance of recovery.  I think it’s very sad that it’s against the law in the U.S.


    People who are attempting suicide are not in their right minds. They can not think for themselves so others have to think for them. To allow this person to refuse food is assisting them in their attempt to end their life. This would make us no better than the person who can no longer think rationally if we were to help them commit suicide. I love how people can yell that they are pro life when it comes to pregnancies but speak of an already born person trying to end their lives and the message is....well, if they want to do it, then we should help them by giving in to their desire to starve themselves to death. Pro life with a line in the sand I guess.  

    yes,i would not want one,suicide or no suicide.

    I will pass on this one but in Australia if you attempt suicide you are sent to the mental ward I know.

    Many moons ago my wife at the time suffered severe depression, she took a swag of pills and when I called the Ambulance there was ifs or buts they could ONLY take her to the mental ward of Brisbane General Hospital.

    She remained there despite my pleas to take her home until her treating Psychiatrist, whom I contaced next morning, got her released.

    every patient has the bill of patient rights, you don`t have to accept treatment if you don`t want it.


    Here in the USA, this does not apply to suicidal people.

    you are probably correct.

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