    what do you do in the event of a tied ballot/

    0  Views: 863 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    There are several myths about what a tie vote means. Many people draw an analogy to a ball game, and believe that a tie vote means that there is a deadlock. Some believe the group must re-vote. Others believe the Chair must save his or her vote and exercise it only to break a tie. Others think the Chair can vote like others but must cast a second vote if there is a tie.

    Here are a few points to help clarify the issues surround ing tie votes:

    In case of a vote on a motion, a tie vote means that the required majority was not achieved. Therefore the motion is defeated. Technically nothing needs to be done. Five votes in favor and five against produce the same outcome as one vote in favor and nine vote against: The motion is defeated either way.

    In case of a vote in an election, a tie between the two top candidates means that no one is elected. The group can then re-ballot. If no time is available to re-ballot, the bylaws should permit the group to resolve the tie by drawing lots.

    As to the Chair's rights: Unless your legislation or bylaws state otherwise, in a small board or committee (with no more than about a dozen members present), the Chair may vote like others. The situation is different in large voting assemblies (e.g.: an annual general meeting of a credit union or a society), where the Chair usually maintains an impartial position and does not vote, unless his or her vote will change the outcome (e.g. by breaking a tie or creating a tie) or unless the vote is taken by secret ballot.

    Exceptions to the above guidelines occur when the statute or the bylaws provide for a different interpretation of a tie vote. For example: Some statutes permit the Bylaws of an organization to give the Chair a second vote, to be exercised in the event of a tie.

    Finally, a non-technical note: Having too many close votes may indicate that the decision-making body is deeply divided and there is too much adversity in the organization. Spending too much energy and resources on fighting one anothermeans that fewer resources are available for advancing the organization towards the accomplishment of its goals.


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