    What is the nicest thing any one has ever done for you?

    +10  Views: 983 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Gave me offspring

    The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is to have trusted me completely. No "if, and, or butt", simply trusted me. 


    And you cannot buy that

    No sir, that has to be earned.

    All the guys on this site have been there when I most needed them with all what I have been through in the last coulpe of months so thank you all x


    (((Mel))) xxx

    The neighbor family took my step-daughter into their home after her mother died. I was working out of town and daughter had just over one more year of high school.


    Thank you Flip. That’s touching.

    Several years ago some very simple words were quietly spoken to me, when I had just received some horrible news.....

    "What can I do for you, right now"?   (I knew that I had someone to lean on.)


    Tears in my eyes ... I will say those words if the need arises and I can carry through.

    Everyone on this site and especially Mel who  helped me through this very trying time when I had to put my dog Chester to sleep. It was a tremendous help to me.. A Vet (woman) who spend so much time with us the last day before we put him to sleep.and we only just met. She called every day for a week after to see how we were doing and sent us a beautiful bereavement card. I have never met a Vet like her, so full of compassion.


    Putting your pet down is awful. I've had to do it more than once and hated it. So sad. :(

    Yes, Ducky it is.

    (((Ann))) xx

    It's actually hard to choose amongst the many over the I really can't pick one over the other.


    But, like Dunc said above, having given me an offspring was pretty nice. Even if she was swearing at the time she was delivering!

    My daughter gave me 2 grand children who I adore.

    Giving me a divorce was pretty nice.

     That aside I have had thousands of "nice"  things done for me, given children,Grandchildren and Great grandchildren,

    Had mates in the army who you knew were watching your back automaticaly.

    I try to do "nice" things for others despite what you read on this site because I love a laugh. That is a really "nice" thing to give someone a laugh.

    Try it for yourself, those of you who in Australia would be called "Stick in the muds" Oh he/she is a real stick in the mud. No shades of grey, no sense of humour.


    Do tell PL, I have a great sense of humour.

    With a face like that Chain you would need a good sense of humour.

    P L.....were you in W W II, or the Korean War ?

    I was in the Royal Australian Artillery ( Anti Aircraft) during and after Korea.

    Handed me a envelope with a $1000 in it to pay a fine i was given..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I've been given so many,  many blessings.  Perhaps a few thank yous are called for : to my son's father for obvious reasons, to my mother and father for obvious reasons, for my stepfather for being so generous, to shrink number 8 for getting the medications right finally,.... There are so many I can't list them all. ....


    Regrets i have a few ,but to few to mention,so in the end i did it my way,,

    He married me & put up with my less than desirable traits. However, I married him & put up with his less than desirable traits.

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