    i met a guy on line he call me all the time say he loves me he black i am white he lives ghana i live in usa what should i do

    we chat on line every day he sweet-loving-caring he 37yrs old i am 65yrs old could this be possible for me i fell in love with him to

    +3  Views: 628 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    My Dear queen-185.  I would be watching my bank account and my heart at the same time.   Please just remain friends.  You certainly don't need to move to Ghana and he certainly does not need to move here and into your home.  I see warning flags all over this.  BE CAREFUL. 


    I totally agree. He's looking for an easy visa to come here and have someone to sponge off of.

    Queen, ask yourself this.........What does a 37 year old man want with a 65 year old woman he has never seen face to face and lives in another country? He's using you. You would be a place for him to come to in order to get into the United States and money for him to live off while he's here. He will probably want to marry you to gain citizenship and then gain all that you own after you leave this life. DO NOT allow this to happen! 

    Sorry to burst your bubble but burst it should be. Take a look around yourself and guess........

    Hey girl, your friend is probably a child molester or sex offender. A guy that has hurt another child or woman. Lose him now.  Im not asking either. Chances are he will take advantage of you. Do yourself a big future favor, leave it . He doesnt love you at all. Scams come from that part of the world . If he does not leave you alone , leave his name here later and number . My guess he wants money and has absolutely no interest other than that.  Keep in touch.

    I agree with all of the above,he's using you,don't fall for this scam...please...


    ""You know what that means RED FLAG bewear my dear I have watched these guys on the tv how the con works and the only one who will get hurt is you and your BANK BALANCE dont go there dont send a dime delete him NOW

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