    The file(s) you are trying to attach exceed the 25MB attachment size limit.

    how can i reduce the 25mb limit attachment size to be able to send the attachment ?

    0  Views: 1238 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Compression is possible , but I would just find another mail provider . You can send big files on www.bigstring.con also on also type in Goggle ;send large files and do some home work. The draw back to all this is : you may indeed be able to send whopper files ,the question is can your friends receive them ,this is not always the case when you try this . Another remedy is to use a on line storage site like posterous  or flicker for pictures there are lots of choices . Then you only need send a link and the size issue is no longer important at all. I use "Sky Drive for some of my stuff . There are multiple solutions for this problem . Iam sure there are many more than I have mentioned . Good Luck ,I think GMX mail allows 50 mg on attachments ,check it out .








    s possible

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