    Do you think that an adult that has very little money should go gambling on a regular basis?

    +5  Views: 2823 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    17 Answers

    No Way go to GA Anonamouse

    Probably explains why adult has very litte money.

    If he/she have no responsibilities it,s up to them, personally I think either way it,s a waste of good money and time


    Moderator least this site is FREE. LOL!!!!!

    Amen, but then again I enjoy a drink, could be seen as a waste of money too

    perhaps that's the reason the have very little money to begin with, , it's a vice that needs help like any other disease..


    yeah, the big win is always just around the corner,very sad for a lot of people that can't really afford it

    Your right about that , it's like drugs in a way just one more fix and that's it ...

    I see people who come to the casino everyday.  Some do not gamble at all. The drink free soda and coffee all day. Sometimes they spend the night sleeping in a chair in the bus depot. I guess it keeps them from freezing to death.  But all casino's have their regulars!


    so sad some have nowhere to go and be comfortable and warm

    Nobody goes to Vegas to win, they go to have fun. Gambling cost money that isn't readily had....

    Sometimes, those with "very little money" cannot afford such things as a trip, a new car, nice clothes, a vacation home, equipment required for a sport, a large screen tv, etc. that some take for granted.  So what do they do? They can get some enjoyment from a casino because while it does cost money, it costs no where near what those other things cost. That is their "regular mini vacation" as they know that they can never save enough for what they would really like to do, even if they did stay away from casinos.


    I like your answer, it makes alot of sense!

    Depends on how much they lose . If they gamble like they have money then no . If they go for a few drinks and the perks and get more than they lose why not ? If they pay penny slots and have social time its just part of their  lives and as long as this causes no injury to you financial or otherwise you have nothing to say . Live and let live .

    Of course. How else is he going to extricate himself from poverty?


    do I detect a little sarcasm???

    Being an adult, as long as it's not affecting anyone else in the family it's really nobodies business what they do with the money.


    Moderator long as bills are paid, children are fed, etc. they can do what they want to do for entertainment.

    No, it's a sickness..........


    An addiction...

    I'm not speaking of people who neglect bills and their children! It can be an addiction but not necessarily. I know a person who goes to the movies, twice a week. Is that also an addiction?
    Headless Man

    Ducky If they can't afford it, it is.

    A habit...that often becomes an addiction!:(

    I personally am not a gambler, I have always said if you can afford to go and throw the money off a pier, then go right ahead, however we don't have the right to dictate to others, whether we approve or not


    How dare you insinuate to a Scotsman that drink is a waste of

    If someone with "very little money" goes gambling then he can only lose very little. Somebody who smokes regularly is in a far worse state so what can one say. They are both losers.


    I don't agree with you. If an adult has little money and they gamble often, they often borrow money or they steal it from their workplace. Their children go without the basic needs.

    I don't believe they should be gambling at all.


    Gambling is expensive if you are poor but I've heard comments about gamblers from people who smoke and drink!!

    most people don't know that gambling (drugs, alcohol,tobacco,sex,etc.) are ADDICTIONS. look up addiction in your dictionary. they can't stop themselves from their addiction. in a perfect world, I strongly believe that people shouldn't gamble. research by psychologists has shown that everyone has some sort of addiction, though it may not be harmful. watching tv or being on the computer 8 hours a day, every day is an addiction, certainly much less harmful than any of the above.

    An adult with litle money should never gamble...

    She or he must have money coming in from somewhere, unless they took out a 2nd mortgage on the house. They won't have any money left for very long. Gambling is ok if you take an amount with you that you can afford to lose . And if you don't go very often. Then, it's not gambling. It's entertainment. I only go when the senior group is going. And then, the casino give us  $ 20. or $ 30 . to play with  :-)

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