    What should I do if someone is interested in me, but I'm interested in someone else?

    I'm very interested in a friend of mine, but another friend is interested in me. I can say that I could "fall for" the other person, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to commit myself with the thought of the other person on my mind, on the flipside, I don't want to hurt the friend that is interested in me. Someone please help....

    +2  Views: 3262 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    23 Answers

    Oh puleeeze....go and do your homework, my child.

    If you are happy , you stick with the one that your with.You shouldn't let anyone come between you.

    Be nice.

    honesty goes along way. Be upfront. Turn down that person (the one you're not interested in) nicely. Good luck!

    It seems to me that you are confused. You might want to just stay friends with both. Some times if you stay neutral thing don't seem as complicated. Give it some time, don't stress. Just be a good friend. It will all work out.

    "If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with."

    Never say never.  Keep an open mind and let's see what happens. 

    Honesty is always the best way you just tell him nicely that you care for him a great deal but not that kind of way if they still want to be friends they will.  

    Survival of the fittest- Take the first one who gives up!


    I don't like drama <<waving>> I give up!!!!

    Tell him/her so and kindly. The more brutal would say "You are not my type". The kindly would say "I do like ..... very much and while I am in love with someone else, it is rather unfair to play you along, so just be my friend".

    when u feel comfortable enough with that person, tell him/her how u really feel. if they understand, u two can be close friends. but if they insist that u two be together, they arnt trusting enough to be with. 


    Good advice

    Be respectful of all, interest change.......

    If you have not led anyone on, and someone you know has indicated that they have an interest in you, simply indicate how flattered you are but that you are currently seeing someone. 

    Ask the one who is interested in you to ask the one you are interested in if he fancies a night out with you,  problem solved.

    It is your Responsibility to tell this person who has feelings for you, that you do not feel for them as they do for you.If this is true, if not. Tell them what is true. It is wrong to let someone think you care in such a way you do not. Now if this person knows how you feel, an is aloud to make the choice for themselves(TO TRY AN WIN YOUR HEART,OR LEAVE YOU ALONE) you never know what might come to be.


    Be honest, with yourself and the other person, if you care and  and consider him/her to be a good friend  let them know that you value the friendship but your interest is with someone else

    This a subject of many novels...

    I wouldnt choose the one thats interested in me, cos if your interested in someone else , then you might not be happy.just my opinion.Thats just me.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    i think you should try and solve the problem by saying to whoever fancies you that you like someone else and say hat you can both be friends and then go for the one you really love


    sorry if i doesn`t work out for you

    How about you find a 3-rd person to fall in love with?! A better one!

    you just need to decide which one is the right one for you then stick to it. If not then move on and stay just friends with both of them.

    be honest and be show to her or to him that you not interested and you just care about him or her as a real friend.

    It seems that you are very confused. I think you really need to take a long hard look at yourself. Why would you have 2 people on a string like that. What makes it right that you hold on to both of them. Are you waiting to see which one is better then release the other. I call that using people to meet your own selfish needs.

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