    another major weather event!

    We have had 130mm (About 5 inches) of rain in the past 24 hours,here in South East Queensland.& they reckon it's gunna get worse over the next coupla days!

    Localised flooding is predicted but not as bad as last January.(Hopefully).

    +4  Views: 1281 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: rainfall

    Hope everythings OK Tommy,you should try it back here sometime, Beautiful -5 deg average for a month or two,nae bother mate...KOTF.

    We will always be OK in flood weather Romos.We are on top of a small mountain.It would take a flood of biblical proportions to get to us.But thanks mate.The weather sounds quite balmy in Bonny Scotland for this time of year.

    Time to go to Plan B, Tommy: Brave the rain to the nearest liquor store and get yourself a couple of bottles of wine (a white and a red). Take a warm shower and sink your clean body on the couch preferably with the love of your life and just ignore the rest of the world for a couple of days.

    7 Answers

    Raining cats and dogs up here Tommy, ah shit I just stood in a poodle.

    We had 4 inches one time and on the news they said one place had 1 1/2 inches in TEN minutes, that aint rain thats pouring water out of a bucket.


    Even tho we need it it's still bloody uncomfortable hey? Visibility at my place is about 100 metres at the moment.

    Well I can see the edge of the window sills so you must be having a "fine" day

    We're copping it down here on the Central Coast too, but it's not as bad as yours, yet.

    Jeez Louise and Cupcakes already!  Our weather has been a bit harsh as well... warming up now though.  Stay safe.


    At least we don't get snow.LOL

    Care to share? Take a load off and help a poor drought ridden state?


    I wish I could Jools.You would be welcome to some of it.

    I always thought you were nice...............!

    You and your rain . Who needs it. We have dust and sand storms, winds blowing yesterday 70 mph. When it rains the weeds and tumble weeds grow. Then you have to mow. Never had to mow last spring - summer long.  Less than 3 inches rain last year here in west texas. Now last two months 18 inches snow. No mosquitos. Do you have mosquitos ?


    Do we have mosqitos??? man we have the mother of all mozzies.
    The local council does a pretty good job of spraying them but a few get thru it.
    We are in a sub-tropical zone so there will always be mozzies to some extent.
    Some summers are worse than others.

    We had rain here yesterday in the middle of winter. Unheard of. There was some snow on the ground and its very slippery right now.Tommy, as long as you are not in a flood zone, you schould be alright. Hopefully it wont last too long.

    Stay safe Tommyh! Weather has been extreme in several places. Tornadoes in SE states last night. Almost unheard of in winter.


    Yeah.We don't get tornados but we do get cyclones.Thanks mate.

    They are the state bird in texas  


    hahaha! I've been to Texas.Didn't see toooo many.

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