    Where do people in hell tell other people to go?

    .... My answer is to a lower ring... ie* You are on the seventh ring of hell and someone seriously ticks you off I would say, "GO TO THE ELEVENTH RING!"  and I would say it with conviction.

    +13  Views: 1541 Answers: 27 Posted: 13 years ago

    this is a funny question.

    27 Answers

    To the store, for some ice water?

    God knows



    I don't think God runs the hell

    val, after Jesus died, he went to down to hell for a few days to see how things were going .

    They'd say: WELCOME HOME!!!!!!

    If you're in hell, frankly you aren't privileged to tell anyone anything. Don't go there!


    It's a "Use your imagination thing"... Have fun. Think firey furnace... everyone is sporting a really bad mood... horns on the head and very very very red skin ... aaaauuuuugggghhhhhh MY TAIL IS ON FIRE!... kind of stuff. :D

    Wait, doesn't the Church preach about the devil and even minions of the devil telling people to do bad stuff, soooo, to me that means they do have the privilege of telling people what to do and maybe even where to go ;)

    I personally don't listen to the minions... they need Soul School. I know it, they know it and the time for education is now!

    Who said you can communicate......


    The power of mind meld is strong... woooooooo! I am sure that every once in a while someone's burning tail get is your way... heck this is hell we are talking about... no one is in a good mood! :D

    They treated to have the mother-in law come for a visit.


    That is a devilishly hard question to answer.

    Put another shovel on

    My ex wife's house. !


    I am going to give this one a whirl... sharp pointy sticky-thing in right hand... pointer finger pointing at poopy-woopy in left... "Go to Caddam's ex wife's house!"
    Now again... Sharp pointy sticky-thing in left hand... pointer finger of right hand now pointing at poopy-woopy... "Go to Caddam's ex wife's house!"
    Hmmmm left right ... left right... The pointy sticky-thing is much better in my right hand... I like it!

    Fish Fry
    Describe this poopy-wopper pointer thingy. Don't remember if I saw that at Ex's house or not. Probably did if it is more poopy than anything else.

    There are various levels of hell, so you could tell someone to hit the next level of hell. "You can go straight to level 3."   "I think I heard your mother calling for you on level 7."   Stuff like that.  

    That horrible place where all the do-gooders hang out and no alcohol is served...Heaven. Brrrrrr


    Dang digger, you're a good looking guy. :)

    Too bad I'm not you're type,eh? ;-)

    Nope, not my type at all. Your hair is much too short ;)

    Colleen I had just commented the same thing you had put about digger being good looking wow thats wierd that we have put the same thing oxoxox

    Not weird Mel... He's a cutie... and now the secret is out!

    Ladies,ladies...PLEASE...control yourselves ! What you don't see is my red tail and pitchfork.

    ..And what we don't it really a picture of digger or....????? that a fan over your head or are those horns? Just wondering... LOL!!

    Hell is a word use for no good cause! If your on fire then take the time too cool off, before cursing yourself to no good, BW no one has gone too hell or heaven yet, that is not until the judgment day come,and you can be sure the day will come.


    Hope there is a big bus.

    Hi facebook, and thank you for the comment on the question question. It would be my honor and privilege to consider us friends.

    facebook, it's a joke. You need to know the story of how fish girl became fish fry. You have your beliefs and that's fine but fish fry is not cursing herself to no good, lol No need to be so serious. Life happens, death happens, there is no hell only heaven. Bob would like to be your friend btw. ;)

    Colleen! Bob has acknowledge me that we are friend,and that made my day glad!Altho I'll never be able too keep up with her experience on this site.She is excellent in every way in my eye!!

    "If you want to get to heaven, you got to raise a little hell."


    I don't think they would care where you tell them to go......They may feel like they been there and back....{:D

    Maybe they allready know where to go...

    There are no people in hell, only speachless tortured souls my dear...


    I suppose some people need to believe this....
    OK, it's needed to keep some on the straight and narrow ;)

    "Go to your room." And as clu stated, "Frankly if you're in hell,"  & Clark Gable . . . you probably don't give a dam.

    Aren't the rules of hell posted somewhere? I believe it to be a legal issue and we all know there are alot of lawyers there to argue the point!  LOL

    There is hell we can't even imagine. Send that jerk to one of chicken hell, where you keep getting your neck wrung and and body hair plucked. Or duckling hell, where your get saturated in oil. Or theatre hell, where you can't see over (or around) the guy in front of you, while people beside you are noisy and have their cell phones on.

    You pick your hell and pass it on. Well, not you, of course.



    Maybe they tell them to go to Hitler's suite?


    Good one.

    Thanks Octie.

    How do we know for sure there is a hell. apart from on earth ?

    Hope I indeed never find myself in that predicament I am planning on being heaven bound.

    to go to heaven because if there in hell the obviosly did not want to go to  heaven

    ....go watch C-Span.

    Maybe they tell eachother to go to Earth, b/c life on Earth can be hell sometimes.


    Yes, especially if you hang out on this site which has gone beyond ridiculous.

    I do hope your new man is amazing. I also hope that you are living a wonderful and happy life.

    Best wishes... :)

    Your not going to Miss Jones house.

    North Korea.


    Do not get me going on that dumb a$$ subject.

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