    On the 26th of this month Aussies celebrate Australia Day.

    This is a question for overseas members only, Australians learn European, U.K. and North American history so we know a little about your countries, so without googling, what is the significance of Australia Day.

    +7  Views: 1034 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    The true tale of the tail which caught fire in Ed Shank's room of hell. Colleen (the extremely guilty) forcefully thwarted Ducka's attempt at rescue... I fried to a crisp and just as Romos and his merry band of dancing fleas were about to serve me up with chips the aliens swooped in to save my sorry carcas.

    I lay in a vegetated state on the planet of Jasper Kola 417 for what now seems to be a minute and a half and much like what happened to Anaken Skywalker ... but without the scary black outfit...I was turned into a shrimp and re-named Fish Fry. Unfortunately the shrimp thing didn't last very long... I went into a bottle for lunch, plankton and kelp, became lodged inside and morphed into the boogley eyed octopus you see today.

    The story continues.......... stay tuned..........
    It would seem that today Romos thinks it is a grand idea to pickle me... Don't you go finding crackers....

    That was a nice short story, Fish Fry but what has this to do with Australia day.:) ?

    5 Answers

    ... It's a reason to break out in tune... An Aria for Australia....

    La La La (fine tuning the vocal cords)....

    Wonderful Australia ... a place we know and love...

    Amazing Australia .... shining to the world above (obviously because Australia is Down Under).... (I hope you can hear the beautiful tones my voice is creating....

    Now everyone join in....

    Glorious Oh Glorious Australia .... the country where we all should be......................................(Hold this note for 40 seconds precisely)................................................ 

    Oh we love... love ... love Australia Beautiful Bold and Free!.............................. (Holding note again..... )

    This is the place where everyone cheers and I take a bow.



    Do you think I was a bit off key in our little singalong, or will it go unnoticed because of the size of the choir?

    You hit that last note like nobody's business.
    Hail Hail KOTF!

    I must say your Anthem is a lot better than the Aussie lame Anthem, i simply loath it. You and Romos's singing was

    Fish Fry, did you go through metamorphous, from a small lobster to an Octopus,lol.

    Without even looking at the other answers here, I would only be able to guess. Not only was nothing about Australia taught in my school, I have made no effort to learn anything about Australia. Whatever the purpose for Australia Day happens to be,  I sincerely hope it is a day of happiness and celebration. 


    Thanks MsBob.

    Melody, what's this about lambs, i haven't heard.?

    A day that celebrates the arrival of the first fleet  at Sydney Cove on January 26 1788 after having left Portsmouth England on   May 13th 1787, is now regarded as a public holiday with lots of flag waving and BBQ's in the back yard, and the swilling of copious amounts of of liquid beverages . in recent years the atmosphere of the occasion has taken on more of  a sanitized commercial feeling with idiot rantings  from brain dead specimens like Sam Kickmeintheditch promoting the scoffing of baby lambs ..instead of the traditional damper and billy tea that was once enjoyed by The   Aussie  stock man from years gone by .and thats fair dinkum!


    Cu are you an Aussie, you must be no one from the north of Australia would give an answer like that.

    Yes! misread the question bulletman and got carried off with sheer self indulgence hope I haven't given too much away....

    The first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on the 18th and remainder 20th January 1788 after leaving England on 17th May 1787.
    Botany bay proved unsuitable as a settlement area due to lack of fresh water and safe harbour.
    On 25th January one ship entered Port Jackson, now commonly referred to as Sydney Harbour.
    The following day Captain Arthur Phillip arrived and raised the Union Flag commonly called the Union Jack and so started the colony of New South Wales on 26th January 1788.

    Sorry Bulletman yours was a good question but as a proud Aussie I could not in all conscience allow misinformation to be promulgated by Cucumber.
    Well intenioned as he/she may have been the dates were all whacko. The first fleet left blighty in 1778 but ARRIVED in January 1788 as I am sure you know as well as I do.

    Thanks PEOPLELOVER have adjusted my error will have to order myself a severe cleansing of the grey matter. apparently we still conflict with the departure date, if anyone can shed some light

    Peoplelover, is that a misprint in your answer -- the Dates, as i know The First Fleet did not take 10 years to sail here, Mate. lol.

    @Bob/PKB is so right. Nothing is taught about Australia in American schools and what a shame I'm embarrassed to say. What I know about Australia I learned reading THE THORNBIRDS.  and TIM. . But I'm still inspired to visit one day. Have a great holiday, you guys. I think y'all will put our 4th. of July to shame............



    If you really want to ask something in the future you know who to ask, The Aka Aussies

    Julie, you made me laugh, about knowing of OZ by reading The Thornbirds andTim, thats like watching Crocodile Dundee and thinking this is what Australia really like. i don't hink Australia day will put your 4th of July to shame as American's are extremely Patriotic, we are too, but not to that extent. We mainly only fly the Flag on Australia Day.

    Anniversary day(Foundation day) Proclamation of British Sovereignty Know as eastern Holland. Captain James Cook chartered East coast claimed it for Britain.In 1700 convicts were deported from Britain to Aussie land..  


    Dowsa, thats pretty close, except Eastern Holland, no such place, the weatern side , almost half of Terra Australis Incognita was chartered by the Dutch which they named New Holland which they knew about for 200 years, if it wasn't for their interest in trading at the time we would likely be speaking Dutch.

    Thanks Bulletman my info regarding east coast and Captain Cook must be wrong I dont drink ,but have floaters in my eye .Gin maybe HAHa thanks again my friend .You have a great Country.mine Scotland comes second.

    Dowsa, my partner is a Scot, she keeps referring to Tasmania as another country and i keep telling her it is a state of Australia, it was very embarrasing when we were down there.

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