    Nina Croux i never felt so much love then i have with you aim so happy that you married me i never touched a other woman and i never will and still now you're gone with our daughter .... where are you my wife where are you

    Nina Croux i never felt so much love then i have with you aim so happy that you married me

    -1  Views: 1099 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I wonder what you did?

    Only you know the "Answer? No woman leaves home without a "Reason You know that answer as well .If it was an other man I would feel sorry for you .But no man ? just makes me think Is it because of you Abusing her? I get very mad /angry at so called men giving his wife a hard time .Remember it was a "Woman who gave you life.So ask yourself was it me . 

    erwin croux

    The only thing i had was Facebook leaving to many question open for her ... mist understandings and bad communication left her in fear and mistrusting ... she loves me more then anything in the world and i have the same feelings for her to. so i removed facebook and just wait till her hearts heals and comes back to me .

    Erwin.....Nina may never get to see what you have wrote on here, why dont you write a letter to her and tell  Nina what you have told us.


    This whole "story" is posted elsewhere as well...I just answered it...notice that he does not ask a question.



    your Husband in all times Erwin Croux 


    Edwin....You can stop now with your emotional plea, no one here can help you any further with your marriage woes.This discussion is best kept for a marriage guidance counsellor .

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