28 Answers
ROMOS - you making fun of me ? Quantum physics was boring. Genetics and microbiology was my second favorite. I wish i had the time to take more computer classes. I wanted to create a program into a personal computer to view blood and look at specimens like through a microscope. The first company to do that will make billions.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Music - or was it the teacher dressed in a suit - jacket with slits at the back - very short hair, intellectual wore broque shoes and she was female.Or was it playing the recorder while a friend played the flute. We got to the Festival Hall would you believe - our school that is with me playing the recorder - wow and who knows how we managed that!.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
when i first started school art, drawing and recess. nothing else. reading and math bored me to tears & it was hard for me to learn to read because it did not interest me. i felt like it was a waste of time. i always loved music and took piano at 5 and clarinet at 10. by the time i was 12 i loved reading the dicationary and how words were formed and put together. i always liked theatre and use to put plays on for the neighborhood when i was under ten. junior high i loved sports, volleyball was my favorite. high school bored me once again, but art still held my interest. college i liked speech classes, talking to groups of people, writing, drama, communication and of course psychology, which i got a degree in, which allowed me to be able to work with children and families to this day.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Did you ever give the clarinet and piano back?
The ones you "took" at 10 and 5 respectively.
Sorry but it saddens me at 80 years of age to see how someone who obviously had a school/ university learnig can succumb to incorrect writing as in you entry.
I started school at age 6 and left at age 14 and I try hard to write correctly.
Not saying I always succeed
peoplelover you darling person, you got me! i know about capitilization, but i think its kind of laziness and having too much to do. you are just like my sister who was an editor for stanford univeristy and she always got on me for not going by the writing rules. i believe i think its more important to communicate the idea than everything being gramatically perfect. but i do hear you. thanks you for your feedback. My mom could not afford to keep us in piano so i only learned one song. clarinet when i transferred shcools they did not have it. i learned about 26 songs. Tabbie the lazy writer Tabber. LOL Thanks again. I will do better.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
My fave subject had to be drawing,although at the time went to a french school and transfer to English school which at that time did not know how to speak a word, For that reason hate just about every subject there was, None the less did like math but had lot of trouble understand the language.So I never finish high school and did manage a career in mining build my own home which make me very good with my hands.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I clearly went to the wrong schools.