    Was giving birth the worst pain in your life???? (women of course)

    I have Chrones.. And honestly I would rather give birth than to have a serious Chrones attack.... And I had a 4th degree laceration during my first delivery...

    What is the worst pain for you?

    +7  Views: 1112 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    Child birth, i have to admit was a horendous experience for me.I swore i would never do it again, and i was true to my word, i only had one child.


    Only one for me, too. But not because of birthing, because of the horrendous 9 months of COLIC she, and I, and my husband endured, from the same day I took her home!! Plus I experienced, what I now can look back on and clearly see, was terrible postpartum depression that I Definitely should have gotten help for but didn't realize just how bad it was till 18 mos. later I finally came into the sunlight from the blackened forest. Between the horribly long colic and depression, with next to no sleep, and running my own business, too, I was a walking ZOMBIE. Did not want to take the risk of THAT ever happening again!! So sorry your childbirth experience was so awful!

    Well I have passed kidney stones twice and yes it brings a tear to the eyes.

    The last experience was a shocker, they sent the back hoe in to grab the stone and the stone richosheyed back up the track.

    Had to go back 2 weeks later and this time it crushed the stone and I was firing bullets for days.

    But on the baby side I was in the pub with some mates when I was called to the hospital as my wife was in labour.

    Boy did that hurt, I mean I had a glass 3/4 full of beer and I had to leave it.


    Not a gulper then? You KNOW I wouldn,t let that happen.

    Let you into a secret I wouldn`t leave it either, plenty more kids to come.

    You are so colorful.. I missed you while you were away.

    I once had a serious burn... that is one thousand times more painful than my three horrible deliveries combined.


    Thank God I was too young to remember having 3rd degree burns on 60% of my body... the only real burn I have had in my adult life was a 3rd degree 13x3 inch (muffler) burn on my leg... Silva-dine is a miracle in a jar...
    How did you get burned?

    An incredibly stupid cooking injury.

    I had terrible pains when my wife gave birth, never again.



    Did you experience actual physical pain during her labor??

    Yes really.

    She grabbed 'it' and said, never again! Didn't she? LOL

    Collen, I'II have to have a lie down I can feel the pain now..

    Why just woman we men know ALL about pain and after all it was our fault


    LOL... If was about child birth.. but you are welcome to share.

    I thought so, until my raptured appentix came alon.g. Thank god i passed out in the ER and when I came to the operation was over.  


    my appendix also ruptured, still think childbirth was worse!

    child birth and ruptured appendix are similar except child birth you get a few second breather between pains

    Do kidney stones count  for  the guys?  I always heard that  they were like  giving birth for a woman


    I have had kidneys stones and good grief they are just about like labor pains... And I am a girl... I don't think a woman's urethra is any larger than a mans.. So I'm not sure the pain is any different... I cringe to think of anyone in that kind of pain.

    I stand corrected.... a mans urethra is more narrow.. but the pain in supposedly from the stone moving in the kidney not the expulsion... Hmmm... More research needed.

    I've never had a baby, but kidneystones are a real pain/bite in the@**@ and a$$, if you get my meaning, but the old stent shoved-up JR isn't no piece of cake either!!!

    Surprised no-one has mentioned toothache.


    You are right nomdeplume. A dry-socket is terrible pain.

    No life is the worst pain.

    Giving birth was the easy part for me, fourteen or so years later was when the pain started!

    Giving birth to each of my 3 sons was the best pain in my life.  With the 3rd, it was rough because my back hurt non-stop, but once that bundle of joy appeared, all was relieved and immediately forgotten.   :D  
    I've heard from other sufferers that chrone's is extremely painful and debilitating.  Is surgery an option for you?

    Ive had lots of surgery, nerves severed in my back, collapsed lung,broken bones,  etc. Ive also had a natural birth and a caesarian delivery, I'm going back to hospital in feb for another round of back operations, but I'll take that any day over natural childbirth


    Honest real answer. Good luck with your next surgery.

    Thanks Colleen, hopefully this will solve a lot of health problems

    Yes, it was the most physical pain (as opposed to emotional pain)  I've ever endured, with major abdominal surgery a close second. But, it was shorter in duration.  Labor to birth was about 8 hrs long, with a pretty quick recovery thereafter.  They sent me home 7 hrs after giving birth.  Abdominal surgery and recovery was about 10 days LONG!  I gave birth to my 8 lb., 9 oz daughter with absolutely NO pain medication whatsoever.  Went to a midwife birthing center as I wanted it to be as natural as possible,  ie, NO hospital. I wanted to know I could handle a totally natural birth, as women have done for eons, and as painful as it was I would do it again in a heartbeat, if I had had to give birth again.

    Easy, I had a Cesarian, nothing to it.....

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