    What is your oppinion with the death penalty?! what are your views

    what is your oppinion with the death penalty?! what are your views are you  for it or against it?!

    +7  Views: 2016 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago
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    19 Answers

    The death penalty is a necessary option.
    Sometimes people do things so horrible that they need to not ever be let loose in society again. These extreme cases need to be dealt with so that the victims have assurance that they will never have to confront this person again.
    Parole boards have let some pretty terrible people back into society  and they have then done the same crimes over again. This should not be happening and the death penalty assures that.

    Fully support it. Unfortunatelly the ones that are against it make its enforcement more expensive than the cost of prison for life.

    Totally for it!!!  With alota dumba$$ out there raping/killing our children, ladies and those that do it because they don't want to be self supportive, etc.,  IF YOU DO THE CRIME, THEN DO THE TIME AND PAY YOUR FINE, Whether with your life or not!!!


    With you on it.


    Those that commit horrendous crimes should be put to death. I don't want to have my tax money used to support them for the rest of their lives. I do feel it should only be applied to those convicted with  indisputable evidence.


    Or when they admit to doing the crime. (I don't understand why they have a trial in that situation either...waste of money!)

    Until it is actually enforced and utilized, it will never be a deterrent. Allowing people on death row to just keep appealing for years on end is ridiculous. Start enforcing the penalty and it will become a deterrent. I agree with the death penalty for those we can never make right. Society should not have to keep supporting useless people. 


    Colleen they should enforce it in the UK.Crime is so high the knife being used more than the gun.Evil thugs killing young youths seventeen for the sake of killing.You read it in the news like reading Sport.

    Death row prisoners, have seven steps of appeal.If some of the appointed Attorneys got on with their jobs instead leaving a case for, some times couple of years,prisoners would not be on the row for so long. The seven steps are required, to safe guard, wrongly convicted, which America has been noted for caring out death penalty on.

    With DNA it's less likely the innocent die on death row now.

    For it. I have an issue with how it's applied though. Lethal injection. Too sterile for me. They need to be strangled  manually as slow as possible. Revenge can be sweet.

    I am glad I live in Canada.  We don't have the death penalty. 


    but are you for ti or against it?

    I don't care for the death penalty.

    The death penalty is a good idea for people who's guilt is indisputable, but how can you be sure? that their guilt is indisputable, this is where the dilemma lies , what happens if you execute wrong person? you can hardly bring them back can you? That is why it was abolished in our country if crimminals go out with weapons and are shot dead during an attempted robbery there are few people who protest isn't there?

    Since 1976,, 193 people have been exonerated. There might be many more people on death row that are innocent. I am against it.


    Such a good answer - we've been down this road before though haven't we.

    Against death penalty. Let the person ROT in prison for life. I mean ROT not enjoy TV and amenities to write a book. I do not mean the system should not be humane but remember a prison is not a hotel either. Yes its a cost to taxpayers but that is worth the price to pay provided it is not treated like a picnic.


    You can pay my share then. I don't want to pay for them. Killing them is more humane than making them sit there and rot.

    I don't like it but in some cases, it seems the only solution. I'm real torn...........

    I was for it until "dna"came along and exonarated more than one person,


    Then we'll grandfather in anyone pre DNA, all others we give the death penalty to.

    ed,  how about barrel of acid, dip them bit by bit, start with feet , for thoes, who with out any doubt, did murder someone.

    Always a contraversial querie.I used to think that revenge was sweet or that "an eye for an eye" was appropriate,but my views have changed due to reincarnation.If dark [evil] entities just recycle over and over into this plane then far better to keep the bastards alive in a cage for as long as they survive it in an effort to prolong thier return back into this existence.You see,if you put the perp to sleep then it recycles faster and then before you know it...bam! they're back again and in 20 or so years you've got another criminal freak on the loose.Keep 'em caged I say.

    The death penalty should be kept and they should be executed as soon as possible. After all they are murderers, who showed no pity for their victims. Why is this debate going on?

    Our legal system has learned that it can make mistakes and execute innocent  people in error. Death of a physical body ends a persons ability to build experience in time and thus cuts short a persons ability to consider their actions and understand their errors. So I don’t agree with the death penalty because executing a person simply delays their correction into another lifetime where they will setup a similar circumstance and repeat their crime seeking different results. 

    this is a difficult question. the death penalty can be a deteerant to crime.I agree with death penalty,but I don`t if I can witness a hanging or injection.

    It is allowed in ISLAM  under sharia rules

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