    46, How do I get a date with no money in a money World?

    I havent been out since I became disabled in 2000. Im on limited income and not sure how to go about it. I just need a push out the door and an idea or two.

    +1  Views: 2739 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Have you been out the door recently, does it look good or bad? Probably one or the other eh? If you think that,s confusing listen to this, I became a little member of this site 2 months ago, since then my life has fell apart, can,t keep of it, any other way of life is insignificant, you never know what,s round the corner mate, always look on the bright side of life, de de dede de dede...get out and about, or stay here, you,ll be amazed!...KOTF. ( only joking about my life falling apart BTW ) money is a challenge considering a date. Do you have someone in mind or are you just starting to plan a date? This an important, so before I can spend the time brain storming, you need to give me a better idea. Don't avoid my question as a bother because i do have great ideas if given the answwer.

    That's a long time ,easy to get set in your ways . Get involved in something ,charity ,volunteer for something . You dont need a push from me there are examples of inspiring people every where just look . Conversation and coffee is cheap ,life will suck until you get sick of it and make changes.

    There's lots of places to go that don't cost anything. That's where we used to take out-of-state family and friends when my husb was still alive.  Fairs, festivals, museums, outdoor gardens at universities; also, if   you live within driving distance of a college or university, they have many plays, concerts, displays that sometimes don't cost much, if at  all. You can go to H.S. plays and concerts. They're usaully done very well. Try to find a coupon for a resturant, where  you buy one dinner adn you get the other one free or   50% off. 

    I'm sorry but I know of no one who would consider a lasting relationship with someone without any means.


    Well Ed, you do now because I would!

    If you have a date in mind, call him/her, does not cost much, invite them over, also does not cost much. Share your meal, if it is tasteless muck, then congrats on living :). If is tasty. you may have a pal over for more of such meals. Sorry about the disablement, hope you get back on your feet, Karma/God (if you are a believer)/fate/ willing. It needs mind power to get you out of your door and want. Too far to give you a push, but hope this helps you to do so :) If you want a partner or a pal, old ladies/gents make excellent companions and they also make good chocolate cookies.

    Are you looking to just get laid or looking for something more involved ? Getting laid is the easy part anymore today , finding a good partner is hard to find when your all set in your ways and not growing together . Happy hunting .

    if your looking for love...get one of the wemon u hav in mind come overe to your house and cook them somthing simple but elegant and chill and watch a movie but if its just sex...geta cheap hooker

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