    Do you have one of those neighbours that you just wish would clean up their yards and tear down the darned fence already?

    One block away from my house is a house just like that... The blinds are bent and broken... there are more cars than people and every one of them needs fixing and someone is living in the drive way... I know the man eats Cheerios because a box sits in the window...

    Other than this house, I live in a very nice part of the world. 


    +8  Views: 705 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Yes, some people think the whole area belongs to them, no matter how many times they clean up their act after hundreds of complaints they always revert back to type, they own the dump so there is not much the authorities can do, f*****g annoys me, had a few head to heads with them in the past, makes no difference, one of their kids has bought the house next door to me, life is going to be interesting I


    We have neighbors like that too. I helped them clean thier house. One room took me 2 days to clean and it took me hours to find that there was a rug in that room. Six months later it was back the same way as it was before. None of the neighbors will go over there anymore and one the neighbors who went into the house said, "I don't know what that smell is and I don't want to know". The yard is a mess and the town is FINALLY doing something about it but I'm sure it will slowly resort back to the state it is in now. I don't understand how people live like that. I feel sorry for the children who are forced to live like that because the adults don't care. That is abusive.

    I know what you mean. I dont have neighbors like that, but everytime I have to go out, there are a couple houses on that road, that have all kinds of junk in theire front yard for everyone to see. I guess some people like living like that.


    I have a neighbor who had a toilet on his front lawn (he finally got rid of it) and another neighbor with a sink on a barrel like thing in front of her entryway. Weird looking thing, not sure what the purpose for it is. I live in a nice area too but there's always one or two with a junky house or yard.

    Are there plants in the sink?

    Nope. No plants. Might be what it was created for and maybe they should get a plant or two for it as the plant would be the only green since there is little to no grass left in the yard.

    At least they got rid of the toilet. But the houses I am talking about here in NH., they have old lawnmowers, junk cars and never get rid of anything. I think its called hoarding. I would hate to see the inside of theire house.

    Several blocks away we have a guy that started his own junkyard on his property. He is a hoarder. He collects absolutely everything. Although not visible to me, it still leaves a bad impression on others when entering the community. He has ignored community fines, the township is finally involved. Should he not pay those fines they will eventually seize his property. I spend much money maintaining my place and I pay a lot of property tax and to have this pig devalue my property because of his mental illness is not acceptable.

    The folks on the Northern side of me have a pool & a tennis court,neither of which has been used since the kids grew up & left home.The pool is the same green as my back lawn & it's what you can see from my back deck.The tennis court is the view from my front deck.Overgrown with weeds & grass coming up thru the cracks.They have a few chickens running around outside the tennis court.We don't complain because the grand kids like to feed the chickens.At least they are quiet neighbours.


    At least they have chickens!

    yes they have chickens & here's something interesting for you.They are both veterinarians & they are Canadians.

    Nope :)


    Lucky you.

    No colourful folk? Fortune smiles upon you!

    Yes. He set up a large canopy in his front yard for a party that i think they had in for Halloween.

    Just before Christmas, the canopy was leaning after 2 of the legs had been removed. All of the empty beer cans were still laying in the lawn and get this,.......

    A newly inflated Santa Claus stood in front of it all with his "Hello" arm raised as if he was thinking he should probably come back a little later and was trying to hail a ride!

    I know the sort of neighbours you mean, there the ones that have a sheet up as a curtain, garbage strewn all over the yard, old lounges on the verandah, maybe some graffitti sprayed on thier broken fence and unfed dogs or cats roaming the yard, yes i've seen places like this.Makes you wonder how the other half live.

    Yes i know just what you mean , you could probably start with my yard first...


    You are that Cheerio eating guy!

    no i'm the guy who cleans up the mess..

    I don't care what my neighbors do.... life is too short!  & I'm a sucker..I'll ick up their trash-to a point if I think it will end up in the sewr as most sewers in my area (we are talking drainage sewers) dump directly into the Bay.

    Rent a bulldozer and wear yourself out.

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