6 Answers
I am a Christian woman, and the Bible teaches us that JESUS is the only one who can give us "Perfect Peace"; in fact: It is the Peace that traspasses all understanding...I do not practice religion; religion is something "superfluous". But I have the knowlede of JESUS and also a very intimate relationship with the Son of God...so when I am in turmoils in life and I am "insecure" or frightened or simply things overwhelm me, I go to HIM in prayer and He does give me the perfect peace....This is how we call HIM: "The Prince of Peace" among so many other beautiful names He has....! Did you know that GOD has different names in the Bible?
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Yes it does. When all is said and done, you may find that there is nobody to rely on except the principles of religion, no matter what religion it is; from the original preachings and teachings, not the modified versions that exist today. Religion generally advises peace, therefore peace within becomes peace without.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |