    what is the recomended daily dose of omeg3 oil

    +1  Views: 869 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

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    I take 2<>1200mg capsules, twice daily.

    Usually 1000 mg twice a day.

    There are some that you only need to take once daily 1000mg - depending on the Strength - even though 1000mg can be high strength and depending on the active EPA and DHA content also the make. I used to take one HIGH strength daily and bought some only last week from Holland and Barratt which you have to take three daily - all a bit confusing. I am going back to see if they have the one that is one daily which I believe can be just as good. Funny I just clicked on two sites on this very page re Omega Fish Oils and it does seem to vary according to the EPA and DHA content and the Omega 3 content. Healthspan and Nature's Best. For me I will try to get the highest content in the one capsule. I have in the past ordered from Vitamins Direct hi strength but must say did not check the contents - one a day though.    

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