    swallowed a piece of fine wire- complications?

    +1  Views: 2265 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: medical

    5 Answers

    It could get in your throat ... your bowel ... your heaven knows what. SEE A DOCTOR.

    If you did this, go see a doctor. If this is homework, refer to your text book. 

    Go see a doctor. How long ago did this happen? Could be your body has passed it already, if it's recent than you could face punctures. Go see a doctor..............


    Oh, this is an old question. Hope these answers find you healthy and living.........

    If you swallow something foreign, usually you try to vomit it up.  If that doesn't happen, it may get so covered in slime of digestion, that you may get lucky and pass it out in feces.  I would not depend on these natural methods of body defense, however, and go to the Emergency Room, if your doctor is not available.  An x-ray will reveal if it is still there, and if they must remove it surgically. 

    to the person why swollowed weir i am no doct but hopfully your body will reject it soon got an exray waiting for your answer good luck

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