22 Answers
I think they are disgusting animals with no respect for their country or uniform. A strong example should be made of them that this should never happen when one represents the United States of America.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
The stupidity of letting someone take a picture of this is unbelievable. Personally, I think they should have taken a dump down their throat. These people were trying to kill Marines, Duh. Doesn't anyone remember the beheading's of innocent Americans on video?
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Although I might not be politically correct, I don't think I could find it to criticize the marines involved, except for the stupidity of allowing it to be videotaped. To be fair, I'd have to ask myself how I'd feel after seeing how and what the Taliban is responsible for in doing to our troops. I don't know how I'd feel after seeing someone I knew blown in half, limbs blown off, or a friend dying in my arms. I don't know how I'd feel after carrying the body bag of someone's father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, to be brought home to a brokenhearted family. How do you respond to someone who just moments before had been trying to fill a body bag with yourself? How do you feel after listening to the stories of families of people who were killed on 9/11.?
If the situation was turned around, I wonder how much respect they'd show our dead? Although another time, place, and country...it seems I remember the naked bodies of U.S. Troops being dragged down the streets in Somalia . Maybe it was wrong in what the marines did, but in my heart, I decline judging someone who we've asked to go out there and be subjected to what they are. In all honesty, my sentiment more coincides with that of Ed Shank's.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
"If the situation was turned around, I wonder how much respect they'd show our dead?"
The US military are not them. They are better than them. They should not sink to their animalistic levels. As a member of the UN, the US trains it's troops to follow the rules of human rights. I'm pretty sure this should even include the rights of the dead Taliban.
He also knew what he was getting into when he signed up.
I am not without empathy... but urinating on the dead? What the heck is that? What can a dead man do to you now?
Article 17.Parties to the conflict shall ensure that burial or cremation of the dead, carried out individually as far as circumstances permit, is preceded by a careful examination, if possible by a medical examination, of the bodies, with a view to confirming death, establishing identity and enabling a report to be made. One half of the double identity disc, or the identity disc itself if it is a single disc, should remain on the body.Bodies shall not be cremated except for imperative reasons of hygiene or for motives based on the religion of the deceased.
In case of cremation, the circumstances and reasons for cremation shall be stated in detail in the death certificate or on the authenticated list of the dead.
They shall further ensure that the dead are honourably interred, if possible according to the rites of the religion to which they belonged, that their graves are respected, grouped if possible according to the nationality of the deceased, properly maintained and marked so that they may always be found. For this purpose, they shall organize at the commencement of hostilities an Official Graves Registration Service, to allow subsequent exhumations and to ensure the identification of bodies, whatever the site of the graves, and the possible transportation to the home country. These provisions shall likewise apply to the ashes, which shall be kept by the Graves Registration Service until proper disposal thereof in accordance with the wishes of the home country.
As soon as circumstances permit, and at latest at the end of hostilities, these Services shall exchange, through the Information Bureau mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 16, lists showing the exact location and markings of the graves, together with particulars of the dead interred therein
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
It is pretty clear ... rule #113
This is a serious offence.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled (or pillaged) was first codified in the 1907 Hague Convention (X).[1] It is now also codified in the Geneva Conventions.[2] It is also contained in Additional Protocol I,[3] albeit in more general terms of “respecting” the dead, which includes the notion of preventing the remains from being despoiled.[4]
They have no defense for their actions according to this (as they shouldn't anyway).
And here is the desecration of America. This woman, through her words has urinated on my country....
Pamela Geller, who was at the forefront of the campaign against an Islamic centre near ground zero and has been embraced by some mainstream Republicans including Newt Gingrich, praised the soldiers for desecrating the Afghan corpses who she called "murderous savages".
"I love these marines. Perhaps this is the infidel interpretation of the Islamic ritual of washing and preparing the body for burial," she wrote on her blog, Atlas Shrugs.
Some Americans will find this funny. I find it offensive to Americans as we are or should be better than this. She has jumped into the pit with the "murderous savages" as she calls them and urinated on American morals.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I too was out raged for about a minute, granted as us marines should have a higher moral standard, but their just humans like the rest of us, but how about all the obscene ,degenerate acts we don't see against our troops..
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I had twenty of my friends and workmates killed in one fell swoop when an Exocet missile hit our ship in May 1982 during the Falkland War, I felt extreme anger then as I do now at the folly of war,but we were doing our duty, it was our job to be aggressive in war, as was the "enemies", I wouldn,t , or couldn,t even contemplate doing what these sorry excuses of Americas finest did to those bodies,dead humans can,t get up and piss back in their faces,PITY!
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
The problem I see (and the video I haven't) is that staging scenarios is just too easy nowadays. This could be a completely scripted video.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
No indication Marine urination video fake: Pentagon http://news.yahoo.com/no-indication-marine-urination-video-fake-pentagon-151232752.html
War is hell not a freakin tea party thats why its called war.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Let us not judge as no one has any idea the things we are capable of doing until in a position like that.We have no right to point and say what is right and wrong. I don't think it was great what they did, it was a very poor choice but while we sit at home in peace in our warm , safe , comfortable homes, we don't have to experience the daily hell these men have been placed under nor can we ever imagine the monstrocities they see every day.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
No matter what the situation was prior to this act these men are Marines... the Marines are elite ... the best of the best. They do know what they are getting into and how horrible the situations can become. Marines are up to the challenge. A marine wants to be a marine.
This has to be embarrassing for every Marine out there.
I got your back Marines Semper Fi
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
They were only preparing them for burial by giving a high class SHOWER(GOLDEN)!!! Besides, I'm with Ed Shank(TU'S) on this topic, look what they(Taliban) does to others including children, if they(Taliban) can giveth, than they can receiveth!!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I see you are siding with Pamela Geller's blog post. She is an offense to America in my opinion by giving that sentiment.
"Look what the Taliban does"
We see, I see but we fight them with honor. We do not lower ourselves to their low level of existence. We do not degrade ourselves in order to degrade them.
Should the police now start urinating on a murderer because he killed someone's loved one? Won't we look like a classy nation then? This is not the route I want my country to take. I will not glorify these men who are not what Marines should be.
Count me out of that custom.
Please do not presume to speak for most of the US. Most of the US according to the media are appalled and disgusted by the actions of these childish men.
Or do you mean US as in 'we'? Even then I don't think there's a lot of "we's" as the Marines are ticked off at them too. Go read some of the comments under the videos.
Are you serious???? This is your defense of them?? They didn't mean it????? They were just showing off for the camera??
This has been investigated. They broke the rule of the Geneva Convention and the moral conduct code of the US Marines. They are going to prison. GOOD!
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
>>>> And to keep our honor clean <<<<
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;............
[These cowards sure lost their nerve by urinating on the bodies of men who could no longer fight back. A US Marine is better than that. He does not lose his cool, he does not lose his nerve and he HONORS his country and uniform by keeping strict to his pledge to follow the rules of engagement and war and never deviate from said rules or risk shaming himself and his country. I believe you said you are an ex Marine. You should know this better than I. You are defending men who have no honor or morals. What type of Marine do you consider you were? Would you have pissed on the body of a dead man?
Fish Fry thank you for that information regarding the rules of war and 'an illegal act.' I did not know that. However, I believe the perspecdtive that i was addressing was from the standpoint of what war does to people in general. war and being against people for whatever reason, creates a very ugly philosophy about 'others'. Ugly philosophies creates ugly actions against others. i think since we have 'rules of war', and that's good. It means dropping drons and bombs on people is ok since it under the 'rules'. it's not in any way ok. i don't care what the rules are. most of us are christians and good people. some things simply should not be done. there use to be a rule that you could own a slave in america. now many americans are horrified about the thought of owning another person to do your dirty work. we came to see that was a bad rule. i will agree we do need rules for war, and i am happy we have at least that. however, what we do under the 'rules' if far worst than some of the atroscities we do in wars that, do not fall of the 'rules of war'. i don't feel the young men that do all these ugly acts in war need mental health. maybe they do. maybe they don't. that is not my point and should not be society's focus. i feel societies in general need to grow up! Stop trying to take over the world. And for pete's sake stop using war of a way to solve problems. its ignorant and hopefully we will get past it before we blow ourselves up. on tv the other day. i believe the automic energy commission said we are going backwards, and moving back into the direction of a nuclear war occuring. The candidate ron paul for president always talks about "no war". That's where we all need to get to. I don't really believe that Ron really wants to be president, but i love the man. I think he wants people to wake friggin up! everybody's in an outrage of these service men. people, need to be, in an outrage over war and stop it. some of these young kids never got to kiss and girl or a boy because a bomb dropped on there house. there are so many things we could do and encourage no war. have sports competitions with other countries to fight out differences. have kids & gifted children think up things and writes essays on how to solve the world's problem. make nintendo games about solving problems rather than attacking and killing each other. i do beleive we are moving in a good direction. people are starting to come around since the housing collapse in america. a commentator on tv said these marchers will be viewed as heroes in the future for starting to help shake and wake us all up regarding war the environment and things that are important for the continuance of a good world.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
You do not care that they degraded dead bodies? I presume however that you might be one of the first in line to be offended if it were Taliban soldiers urinating on the bodies of dead Americans. I bet you would agree with the rules of proper respect for the body of the enemy then.
How will you feel if you find out that the men who did this are all "good Christians"? Do "good Christians" urinate on dead bodies?
" i feel societies in general need to grow up! Stop trying to take over the world."
This will never happen as long as there are people who say, I hate them and would pi$$ on their bodies too if I could, as has been suggested right here in this thread. I was told that my compassion for these people was misguided because I believe that they are human too, just doing what they've been raised to believe and fight for and should still be given humane respect after death. How can peace happen when there's a mind set like that? I'm suppose to hate them and feel no compassion. Peace is a pipe dream. It will never happen as long as there are minds that fight against it.
panda i am so happy you asked this question, it has been on my mind. what do you expect. when you train young men to kill kill kill. what do you expect. we need to stop all of these wars. people have to become a cold savage to kill others. i have spoken with men who have gone to war. it makes them crazy, guilty, alcoholic, abusive and all the other negative things such acts would bring out in a human. the boys should get some counseling. however the boys are merely a scapegoat for our collective obsessions of greed, lying, evil actions. as michael jackson said, "look at the man in the mirror and change!"
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I agree there should be more support for the mental health of the men who sign up ... America is a country that does not force it's young men to serve in the military.
This act was a collective act. It is an illegal act.