12 Answers
I'll give an answer myself I get sparrows , Dark eyed juncos, cardinals, nuthatches, woodpeckers, doves Remember the birds need food in the spring too I feed all year. I've seen blue buntings and grosbeaks. I love watching birds It makes me mad when a hawk comes in and tries to snag the other birds!
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Going to bed soon but will leave you with this bird related thought.Is it just me or anyone else hate to see (usually young and with their parents)kids chasing the pigeons in town? I know all about the flying rats and vermin tags but to me its cruelty.Its not that many years ago our local council used to put seed out for them,until they decided otherwise.Now apparantly you can get fined for feeding them
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I feed my wild birds all year round.Theyve got 2 seed holders,a seed cake but theyre turning their noses(well,beaks!!!) up at that and fat balls.Plus bread at times too though today they had cake.I get sparrows,starlings,robins,blue tits,pigeons and a pair of doves.Used to get a nuthatch but he seems to have disappeared.The most unusual bird i ever had visit was a jay,only saw him once
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Yeah - I feed on this little green opposite where it now says "Do not feed the pigeons". Also the ducks up the road where the pond is in the same BIT of green.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |