21 Answers
I was learning about e-commerce and the little green tab was above... I asked, "Any question or just computer questions?" Jh (Julie) answered, "As long as the question is not stupid or offensive." After that I asked quite a few questions that went unanswered....
I don't particularly enjoy answering your questions because you tend to beat me up... I have a sense of humor and you think this forum has no room for that.
This is not an invitation for an argument... You and I look at the world differently.
... and that's just fine.
13 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
Personally, I was curious. I kept seeing a "tag" in the upper right corner of my computer that said "Ask a question". FINALLY, curiosity got the better of me and I checked it out. I like the variety of questions and the opportunity to say what I think, whether anyone reads what I write, agrees or disagrees. The karma points and comments create interaction, and next thing you know, you have fondness for some of the members. I look forward to reading the new questions and answers and offering my own, saying howdy and learning a little more about my cyber-friends.
I can't help but notice there is some animosity towards you, which I don't understand and it is none of my business. I don't have a problem with you and hope you don't have any issues with me. It would be nice if you could straighten out the problems. The expectations here are pretty simple and clear. It's not a perfect setup, but there's nothing to gain by inciting dissention. GIve it some thought, please.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
I was looking for a song for my dads funeral... and was having a brain fart... I saw the tag and was like, this cant hurt.... I recieved great answers and so much support over the next several months... I felt like I had become part of a community. So I stick aournd and do what i can to make others feel the way the original members made me feel.
I dot know anyone elses story.... but, this is mine.
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
To ask one question and get the answer or to check it out and then left because it's not something they are interested in or to create multiple accounts to post crap under or they are kids looking for other kids to hang with or they like to help so are here helping or they are lonely and are looking for a social outlet or they are here to just complain about the way the forum runs....take your pick. Some come and stay others use it one time to get an answer, others have lives that get busy so they do not have time to come back. Many are still around but just read and do not post. Some are here to interact with people they've gotten to know over the past 11 months. Why do you keep harping on this?
For every question posted here, an account had to be created for it. We have thousands of questions so we will have thousands of names. This is how it goes with a help forum like this.
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

how many thousands?
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
And Tabbie-Tabber you count for four!