    I plan to file for Divorce this year... Why do I feel so blue.

    Why can't I let go of my past memories. My marriage? The Vows, til death do us part? I find myself lost in my thoughts lately.  My Ex has moved on, It took a Month after I left him lol. (that's two years ago) I recently met a great man, who wants to give me the world but I find myself thinking of the marriage I once had. Will I ever love again? Have butterflies in my stomach? Have that can't sleep and I can't eat feelings.  The love that I had with my ex? We were married for 20 yrs. 2 of those years he left me for another woman and I took him back. Can I find love the second time around or do I settle for Mr. Nice?

    +6  Views: 522 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    SA... don't beat yourself up... and stop worrying about your ex-husband. It will do you no good at all.
    I found fault in every man I dated (and for good reasons!) but, when I first saw my husband, I just knew he was the one.
    I was married for 21 years. What you are going through is really tough.
    Now, it has been seven years and I am glad I left. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. My first husband and I were not soul mates... It was not meant to be.

    7 Answers

    Yes you can but it appears that you are not ready yet.  The one that you are with ("who wants to give you the world") is not necessarily THE one.  Just because HE is so willing, doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be.  Wait a while.  Think about just being on your own for a time. You may find it quite enjoyable to do your own thing! You're not even divorced yet so what's the rush?  Relax...breathe....wait.

    NO...DO NOT SETTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Still Angry

    Yes Ducky You are right also. I do feel I am not ready but is it becasue I am afarid to let get go and move forward. All my females friends are still married to their first husband. I've been single over two years, When i go out on dates i find something wrong with each guy and why i can't move on. How long or when will i let go. My ex found a way. Why can't I?..

    Stop comparing yourself to everyone else..your ex, your girlfriends. You are you. Believe me that the pain will go away but if you are dwelling on the past, it will stay with you forever. Look around. Many people go through are not alone! Take up new things and meet new people. Reach out to others who may have difficulties in their lives too..everyone does, you know.
    By the way, a date is a date, not a marriage proposal!!!!

    Your feelings are completely normal. Divorce is horrible no matter what the circumstances.  You have been through a lot by the sounds of things.

    I did meet Mr. Right after 18 months of separation.  I felt very much the same as you do.  A lot of it was the fear of letting go and fear of the unknown.

    Mr. Nice could be your soulmate.  Give him a chance.  You may never know what true happiness is if you don't give him a chance...

    Good Luck .... :)

    Still Angry

    You are right Fish Fry.. You hit the nail on the coffin. I am afraid of the unknown. I have a control issue where I need to know everything in advance lol.. but thanks for the well wishes. I am so glad I bump into this site today. So much weight has been lifted is such little time. : )

    You don't have to "settle" for anyone.  Mr. Nice doesn't deserve that, either.
    I think you are sad because, when you married, you expected your relationship to grow and prosper, and to be old together, literally until death separated you.  Even if you are no longer "in love with" him, there is a part of you that doesn't want this to be the end of that innocent, sincere belief of a quarter century ago.  Being single doesn't hold any excitement or promise for you, either.  It's not what you thought your life was going to be, and it's hard to accept that.     It IS a sad time; death of a relationship, the hopes, the expectations. The future suddenly becomes terribly insecure. 

    Choosing "Still Angry" for your name here should give you a big hint.


    Moderator DOES get better, if you put some effort into the future instead of dwelling on the past, don't you agree?

    Absolutely, Ducky. It does get better, even if you dwell, though not as quickly as when you put the effort in. Without effort, the above scenario will be your daily existence. You can move forward only when you stop looking back.

    Absolutely, even the second and third!!! though I do understand how you feel, there are a lot of memories locked up with the person you spent so many years with, those you will never forget those, neither should you, but for me it was like losing a dear friend, in time you will move on too, and hopefully restore the happiness you once felt, there is life after divorce. Enjoy your independence before jumping into another relationship, and don't settle for anyone you are not entirely happy with, Mr nice could well be the wrong one, you obviously have doubts, enjoy his company but also enjoy your own

    Still Angry

    Thanks so much Lambshank. I obviously need so much advice. I've been running away from every man that tries to get near me. I don't want to lose my independence and I don't want to settle. I will tread carefully. It's only been two years I've been singel. Maybe I do need more healing.

    "You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

                                                                                                        ~Christopher Columbus

    You will feel better eventually. Make yourself feel better. Meet new people. You only live once . Hope the best for you.

    Finality takes courage and can be daunting...Stick with it a while, it isn't over yet. Healing takes time.....

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