6 Answers
Make a list of some things that you want to accomplish, along with a deadline date to do so. Having some set goals will change your whole attitude which sounds like something you might want to do for yourself, not to mention, for those people around you.
Don't stay "stuck" in unhappiness....get moving and change it! You can.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I know what your feeling like in many ways. You will find that there are going to many of those cross roads in your life. It's almost as if your soul is stirring trying get you to grow. Remember growing pains as a child? They aren't the most comfortable things to go through whether it's a mental thing or a physical thing. Be careful with your decision because in many cases they are virtually irreversible. If it involves hurting someone else in the process of change, be gentle to them. Ultimately, if you don't do something you will be stuck in the middle of the road of indecision.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |