    Today is Sunday, January 8th. I took down my tree and lights yesterday, but i felt is was too.soon. 5% of the people in my neighborhood still have tree lights and decorations up. When do you feel is the approriate time to take lights etc. down.

    +1  Views: 438 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Ours came down on the same day as well. We celebrate Christ every day of the year.

    I guess it's more a matter of personal choice. I know lots of people who have already taken down Christmas decorations, and that's okay. But, I can also understand in some people looking at the decorations and things, and seeing them more as something that represents a season more than just a day.or two. What is probably most important, is what leaves you feeling the happiest. It's not like it's hurting anyone if you leave them up for a little while, and if someone feels so concerned that they feel they need to tell you to take them down earlier...perhaps they need to get a life and not worry themselves over such matters.

    I take the tree down New years day and the other decorations come do the day after Christmas. But it is your house and your traditions.. Do what make you happy.

    It is only 350 days until Christmas, leave them up.


    Flip you're great!

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