    BEST feature of your face?

    +5  Views: 817 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    20 Answers

    Everyone says my eyes, they even asked was I wearing colored contacts for my last photo I.D, glad not everything's gone south!

    I like my mouth plus my blue eyes...I'm not knock out but those are my best features...


    very kissable lips.

    Probably my mouth lot's of good things come out of it...


    Uh .... Uh ... What it is??

    you think???(lol)

    i'm a legend in my own mind...

    My smile.

    My lips.

    My dimple.


    Like Kirk Douglas?

    Cheek, not chin! :)

    My husband has two and so does my son... cute!

    In my girlhood my eyelashes were about an inch and a half long. I had to trim them every saturday. I am older now and no longer are they long.  Boo Hoo.

    I liked my eyes before my four wheeler accident.. No one else can see the difference be I can.... Now I like my mouth/lips... But not my teeth...

    My eyes,theyre hazel.Though having said that an ex friend once said id got a piercing stare.... 

    Ex wife said the back of my head

    "Oh my Nose like a Roman one and always "Running.

    My forehead. It ends somewhere at the back of my head.

    Oh goodness, so much to choose from.  Could it be my smooth, supple skin.  Or perhaps my eyes, windows to my soul?  We do have the Barbra Steisand schnozz oing on.  My lips are soft an inviting.  My smile lights up a city, and my teeth are white and even!  I have a dimple, too, like Chiangmai.   And don't forget the jawline...  Just kidding
    Yes, just too much good stuff going on.   Pshaw.  I'm just happy no one has ever run screaming in the opposite direction at the site of me!   Nothing too spectacular on its own, but it all seems to fit together somehow.

    I have been told my eyes they are a very dark brown, at least they were  -- old eyes now.

    The best feature of my face is my face. Wow take a look. Be blessed. I get so happy just thinking about it. Ha


    i did notice a striking resemblence between you and james dean..

    Thanks darren1. You have a good eye for a good looking man.

    my eyes

    These shifty eyes. Watch it!

    It's not in someone's butt, like some of my former coworkers' faces were! LOL! I was just seeing where I could take that question.

    green eyes, nice smile.

    I've been told my (blue) eyes and my smile.

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