    what is a paranoid delusion

    +1  Views: 732 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I will ask myself tommow,

    When someone has the false belief that something is occurring and still believes it (not the same as hallucinations for a few reasons) - in this case it's usually the false belief that someone or something is after you to harm you somehow.

    Edit: this is the (sadly) more common manifestation of it from drug use, though it could also be something asinine and able to live with - the unrelenting hold it has on the person is the most common 'physical' characteristic.


    it is not induced justt by drug use the psycology of the mind is a fragile thing to begin with their are natural pain killers and hormones needed within us called dopamine and serotin and when they are unbalanced as in sphizophrenia or bipolar or yes drug induced psycosis the eyes and can see things and trick the brain into processing it as a reality which therefore is ;delusional,deluded an old fashioned way of saying crazy except its much more complex x

    it is not induced justt by drug use the psycology of the mind is a fragile thing to begin with their are natural pain killers and hormones needed within us called dopamine and serotin and when they are unbalanced as in sphizophrenia or bipolar or yes drug induced psycosis the eyes and can see things and trick the brain into processing it as a reality which therefore is ;delusional,deluded an old fashioned way of saying crazy except its much more complex x

    it is not induced justt by drug use the psycology of the mind is a fragile thing to begin with their are natural pain killers and hormones needed within us called dopamine and serotin and when they are unbalanced as in sphizophrenia or bipolar or yes drug induced psycosis the eyes and can see things and trick the brain into processing it as a reality which therefore is ;delusional,deluded an old fashioned way of saying crazy except its much more complex x

    it is not induced justt by drug use the psycology of the mind is a fragile thing to begin with their are natural pain killers and hormones needed within us called dopamine and serotin and when they are unbalanced as in sphizophrenia or bipolar or yes drug induced psycosis the eyes and can see things and trick the brain into processing it as a reality which therefore is ;delusional,deluded an old fashioned way of saying crazy except its much more complex x

    it is not induced justt by drug use the psycology of the mind is a fragile thing to begin with their are natural pain killers and hormones needed within us called dopamine and serotin and when they are unbalanced as in sphizophrenia or bipolar or yes drug induced psycosis the eyes and can see things and trick the brain into processing it as a reality which therefore is ;delusional,deluded an old fashioned way of saying crazy except its much more complex x

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