7 Answers
Lemon is good for skin lightening.
Apply lemon juice it'll help you get rid of dark spots and reduce freckles on face
Apply half a lemon twice a day to lighten your skin tone.
Lemon really helps also if you dip tissue in milk and put it on you face also vitamin C.it really work
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I hope the answer is here. I am liver spotless but that can't possibly last forever.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
it depends on the age of the scar and how deep the scar is. lemon does help. i used cut limes and squeeze the juice for my tea. then i take the peels/rinds to rub on the dark spots and scars. i also used to coconut oil for my skin to help heal my skin. both got rid of scars. the lighter and new scars go first. the older and darker ones take time. i also use the limes to get rid dark discolorization of my elbows.
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |