my sister moved literary across the state to be with a guy she meet online leaving her friends family and work behind. they lived happily for a good year. shortly after she moves in with him he gets lied off from work and becomes unemployed leaving her to work and be the primary provider & she becomes pregnant with his baby. later has the baby. she thinking the relationship is still really good there 1 year anniversary approaches but a few days before it arrives, his laptop gets a virus and she decides to pay the $200 to get it removed . once it's up and running she then comes across email's from his ex and him talking back and forth him contacting her about how "she" meaning my sister wasn't truly in his heart and asking his ex out to dinner. (keeping in mind my sister was making the income at this moment) he plans on taking this chick out with her money!! when she confronts him he couldn't be a man an admit his wrong doing until she shows him the dates and times there conversation took place, at this point hes caught and he knows it . so he admits it and apologizes. so they decide to work it out its been almost another year and she can't get over it becoming completely obsessed over trying to caught him taking to another girl constantly checking the history of his laptop his emails even waking up in the middle of the night to "catch him" shes gone completely obsessed. she is now torn between moving back with her son to her parents across state but doesn't want him (her son) to feel like he doesn't have a father or grows up without a father. (keeping in mind that the dad is really a good father, involved and protective of him) or finding two jobs and staying in state but living on her own with her son so he (her son) doesn't have to grow up or be without a father. also keeping in mind although all of the above has happened my sister still has strong feeling for him... i need opinions people what should she do?!?!?
5 Answers
She will do what she will do. This is all on her. Our opinions will not matter in her life and you need to be less involved in this. She is your sister, support her decision no matter what she chooses and stay out of it advice wise unless she really asks you for your advice or opinion. No one can ever convince another to go against their heart. Only that person can do that.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
She cant help making bad decisions. Hormones out of control causing bad decision making. Whatever the reason there is not much you can do. She will continue to hang around crappy people and making crappy decisions. She is looking for something better , but will never find it . She needs to dump him and get child support from him started . Learn from her mistakes , you will benefit .
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |